10 Shows House Of The Dragon Fans Are Also Watching

If You’re Into the HBO “Game of Thrones” Prequels, Data Shows You’ll Probably Enjoy These Series Too

As anticipated, HBO’s “House of the Dragon” has been a top performer for HBO since debuting last month. And luckily, if you’ve been enjoying the new “Game of Thrones” prequel series, we have information about the shows other “Dragon” fans in the US are heading to right now, according to whip mediaData from its TV Time app, a TV series and movie tracking app that has 22 million global registered users.

Let’s address the show you’ve been expecting to top the list of most popular titles for “Dragon” fans: Yes, Amazon’s “The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power” is incredibly “Dragon”. Also popular with fans. It is easy to see why, given the similarities between the two series. Both shows cost a hefty amount to make, both shows are based on popular fantasy-adventure intellectual property, and both shows recently debuted, garnering a bevy of media coverage.

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