Acapulco Star Enrique Arrizon Says The Hit Series Is A Huge Opportunity For The Latino Community

What? Julia accepted Chad’s awkward marriage proposal and broke Máximo’s heart in the process? And what about Máximo’s sister Sara and that potential love interest she might have with a girlfriend? And how will the death of Don Pablo affect the elder Máximo? That’s pretty much where things ended at the end of season one of the worldwide phenomenon of Apple TV+ Acapulco.

Created by Austin Winsberg, Eduardo Cisneros and Jason Shuman, the series won audiences over with its How I met your mother (like) style, as modern mogul Máximo Gallardo (Eugenio Derbez) tells his teenage cousin Hugo (Raphael Alejandro) about dreaming big and the time he worked in a luxurious Acapulco resort, Las Colinas, in 1984.


In the 80s, the young Máximo is played with boundless enthusiasm by Enrique Arizona, who, in conversation, has undeniable enthusiasm and love for the series. In fact, he thinks the show offers something of value to all cultures, but especially to the Latino community.

“I think we all deserve this [show]Arizona said of: acapulcobecause the Latino community is often portrayed as criminals or Narcos or in dark stories. We are not. We are more than that. We are flashy, vibrant, full of colors, full of values. We care. When we migrate, we take all our love, all our culture and all our efforts with us.

“This one [show] is a huge opportunity to be in the spotlight – imagine,” he said. “Because this is available in more than 100 countries. People are also more open to reading subtitles. They crave new cultures And this, of course, is new.”

Up the ante in season two

Season two of acapulco picks up where the first season ended. Máximo must set new boundaries with colleague Julia (Camila Perez), who seems willing to marry Chad (Glee’s Chord Overstreet). If anything, it might be more of an “in” with future fickle mother-in-law/resort owner Diane (Jessica Collins), a former soap/workout queen and rival to Jane Fonda on the show.

I’m already sniffing Physical crossover, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

“When I first read the scenes, it felt so familiar and I really wanted to be a part of the show,” Arrizon said. “I longed for that. The characters jumped off the page and thanks to the great writers it was easy to have these dialogues that help you perform better. I’m glad the writer’s room is full of people from all over the world. It makes the show multicultural and diverse enough to reach a global audience. That is the best.”

Episode titles come from the 80s playlist – from “You Should Hear How She Talks About You” and “Hit Me With Your Best Shot” to “Love is a Battlefield” and “Always Something There to Remind Me.” Personally, I’ve appreciated the enthusiasm of actors Rodrigo Urquidi and Rosanna De Leon, who play poolside singers who play Spanish-language covers of popular songs from the 1980s such as “Eye of the Tiger” and “We’re Not Gonna Take It.” . Talk about camp.

In season two, older and younger Máximo must face new challenges. The elder Máximo struggles with the loss of his mentor, resort manager Don Pablo (Damián Alcázar) and recovering from a disturbing past. What happened, Maximo? We’ll have to see. Meanwhile, now that it’s 1985 at the resort, young Máximo still has to care for his widowed mother, Nora (Vanessa Bauche), climb the career ladder as far as it will take him in Las Colinas, and perhaps brave a new love interest.

Arrizon said from the start that he immediately identified with some of the show’s broader themes: pursuing dreams, understanding emotions, and strengthening friendships.

“We all have dreams that we want to pursue. I think people can relate to that because each of the show’s characters gets to know themselves better. They have different dreams, motivations, circumstances and barriers, so the new season is one of growth. Our young characters are feeling all these emotions for the very first time. Imagine that. Of course they are wide open to making mistakes, but they meet great people and do things that will change their lives,” he said.

Related: Exclusive: Acapulco stars Chord Overstreet and Camila Perez discuss season two of the popular bilingual comedy

About acting and chasing dreams

Arrizon said he wanted to act since childhood. He had starred in many school plays, often as a lead actor. “I think the teachers saw my enthusiasm, optimism and discipline. It was in me and I embraced it.”

When he was 16, he started doing short films, TV commercials, and things that snowballed. Rolling in April’s daughter, a well-received 2017 movie from Mexico and the Amazon original series An unknown enemyattracted the attention of producers of acapulco and suddenly Arrizon became young Máximo Gallardo, the hopeful, passionate, big dreamer whose love for his family and friends is downright contagious. And admired for that.

“I’m the happiest man in the world and I’m really looking forward to the new season,” Arrizon said of the road ahead. “I watched the ads and noticed the audience reaction. I feel blessed.”

In a conversation it is a challenge to know where Arrizon ends and Máximo begins. They seem to be one in the same. The actor and character share the endless enthusiasm and cheerful optimism. It’s easy to see why Derbez, one of the series’ many executive producers, was enamored with the actor.

After its first season aired in 2021, the bilingual show won over audiences to become a global phenomenon, thanks to its tropical setting and universal storylines that drew the hearts of hearts.

“I really knew it was going to be a success,” Arrizon said. “For me, acapulco is like living my dream a second time because I really knew we had enough quality to make a great show.”

He also appreciated Máximo’s passion, courage and dedication to the family. “Máximo cares about him so much and he is disciplined,” Arrizon added. “But even when there are many walls, he handles optimism. He is a very charming and engaging character.”

Arizona smiled. “He can get away with anything.”

Season two of acapulco premieres October 21 on Apple TV+.

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