Colbert Is Real Freak Out Of The Sexual Ways Trump Talks About Kim Jong-Un (Video)

Bob Woodward released even more recordings of his interviews with Donald Trump this week. And keeping aside the whole “yet a prominent reporter put back stuff that people probably could have benefited from knowing sooner”, it’s pretty crazy stuff. So much so that on Monday’s “The Late Show,” Stephen Colbert seemed almost happy to learn about the creepy, sexual way Trump described his dealings with North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un.

In a recording, Woodward asked Trump if he agreed with the CIA’s assessment that Kim was a “stupid”. Trump disagreed and when Woodward asked Why, said Trump,

“Because they don’t know. They have no idea. I’m the only one who knows. I’m the only one he deals with. He won’t deal with anyone else… chemistry words. You meet someone and your chemistry It’s cool. You meet a woman. In a second, you know if this is going to happen or not.”

So, setting it all up during his monologue, Colbert began by mocking Woodward himself. First, he said Woodward had previously described the former president as “the wrong man for the job.” But, “now after listening to the audio again, he says, ‘I realized I didn’t go far enough. Trump is a unique threat.’ Really Bob. Now you’re feeling it,” Colbert said with heavy sarcasm.

“I’m looking forward to your next op/ed, ‘Something Seems About This Harvey Weinstein Guy,'” Colbert joked.

Next Colbert played a clip in which Trump speaks about COVID-19, saying, “I take no responsibility for that.” “He says the same thing on Eric’s birthday,” Colbert quipped.

Then he moved on to stuff about Kim Jong-un, describing Trump’s recordings as dictatorial, which is to sound sexual. Colbert then looked straight at the camera for several seconds, looking like he was about to pop.

“Wow,” he said finally. “Did he and Kim Jong-un…” Colbert said, the implication being heard in how he backed down.

“I mean, whatever, whatever makes you happy. Love is love. But it really gives a whole new meaning to ‘Little Rocket Man,'” Colbert joked.

“Let me be clear: the meaning of a gender,” Colbert said.

You can watch the full monologue above. There’s a lot of funny stuff in the United Kingdom, including her opening bits talking about the weird political situation and some jokes about Ted Cruz and Herschel Walker. But the Trump stuff happens in about 6 minutes.

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