Deadwood: each main character, ranked

From the HBO network, dead wood was a 2004 thriller series set in the town of Deadwood, South Dakota. The series starred Timothy Olyphant, Ian McShane and Robin Weigert. The series was based on the real-life city of Deadwood and its history of lawlessness. The series follows the story of a bunch of people who flee to Deadwood in hopes of getting rich. Once there, however, they encounter a lot of chaos in the city due to the lack of legislation.

Many of the characters in the show are inspired by the real people in Deadwood. It defied the lines to become like a quintessential western TV show by adding layers of mystery and confusion. For a show in the early 2000s, the set and costume designs were all on point and spectacular. The show was able to attract a lot of international attention in its first few episodes and quickly became the most recommended show of its time. The producers brought the wild west in a very modernist twist so that the public could get more involved with it.

Perhaps the most intriguing part of the show was the variety of interesting characters. Each character in the show had unique traits that made it difficult for viewers to pick their favorite. Fans of the show were extremely upset by the abrupt ending of the series. However, fans get excited when a movie by dead wood came out in 2019 as a continuation of the series. The film also features almost all of the original cast, bringing some of the main characters back to the screen after years.


6/6 Calamity Jane

Calamity Jane is one of the favorite characters of the series and the movie. She’s a complete drunk who just casually uses foul language in her conversations with everyone. Robin Weigert’s performance as Jane thrives on the show because he has an extremely tough outlook but is a softy inside. Unlike the boss-wife roles Robin Weigert is known for, Calamity Jane was simply surrounded by extreme chaotic energy. She is not approachable and lashes out at others who try to help her, but is someone with the purest of intentions. Her character is one of the most complex in the show.

5/6 Joanie Stubbs

Another female character in charge of the show is Joanie Stubbs, played by Kim Dickens. Like the other women in the show, she is supposed to be small as the head lady of the Bella Union, but soon she goes out into the world and fulfills her dream. Joanie opens her own brothel in Deadwood and doesn’t let anyone look down on her. She is another example of strength as she copes with her adversity and helps those around her in need. Her friendship with Jane is also very heartwarming as they complement each other to perfection. Her character also makes a return in the film.

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4/6 EB Farnum

The most unpleasant character in the series, perfectly portrayed by William Sanderson, is EB Farnum. Viewers of the show simply found it impossible not to love him. He is the most self-centered character in the series who could talk about himself for hours without getting tired. His ambitions are far beyond his reach and his fits of rage fully justify his unworthy election as mayor of Deadwood. Even though the people of the city have an extreme hatred for him, his unpleasantness doesn’t stop him from giving his point of view in everyone’s life. This behavior, while it may seem annoying, adds a comic element to the environment.

3/6 Al Swearengen

Ian McShane’s character Al Swearengen is the highlight of the show. He is categorized as the antagonist of the show, starting with his villainous and murderous appearance in the pilot episode. However, his character development on the show makes him an extremely prominent character. The viewers see him grow into a warm person who experiences love for the first time. This change was an extreme transition from the self-sufficient person he was before. Al Swearengen used to be the mastermind behind Deadwood; everyone around him to his own advantage. He was one of the most beloved characters that fans of the show were really looking forward to seeing in the movie again.

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2/6 Alma Garret

Alma Garret, played by Molly Parker, is the centerpiece of the whole show, making her one of the strongest characters. Starting out as a normal woman with an opium addiction, she later evolves into someone who takes a huge step for herself and her gold claims. Molly Parker fully embodied the character of Alma Garret and portrayed everything emotionally to perfection. Her character is also the most forward-thinking as she is the first person to come up with the idea of ​​opening Deadwood’s first bank. Her return to the film was also greatly anticipated as her character last struggled in the series before ending abruptly. Alma portrays cleverness, humor and great independent strength.

1/6 Seth Bullock

‘s good man dead wood is Seth Bullock, played by Timothy Olyphant in the series and the movie. He is the opposite in mannerism of what Al Swearengen is. Seth reflects all the good and righteous things a person should have despite living in a ravaging city. Seth is Deadwood’s sheriff and his job isn’t easy at all. However, his association with Al makes him tired of the city’s necessary evils. Timothy Olyphant was the perfect man to play Seth, as his charm in embodying the character on screen showed. While he may be a nice person, it doesn’t stop him from getting angry. He is to be feared in the city because of his anger, which shows the range of emotions of the character.

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