The Way of Water IMAX poster offers a glimpse of Pandora’s marine life

Avatar: The Way of Water introduces audiences to the marine life of Pandora through some unique cinematic techniques.

Avatar: the way of the water prepares to take audiences into a uniquely immersive experience not yet seen in theaters. The sequel, which has been in the works for 13 years, leaves the lush jungles of Pandora and focuses on the marine life that makes up most of the moon. avatar showcased a variety of breathtaking creatures when the movie hit theaters in 2009, and director James Cameron plans to mesmerize audiences once again with its 2022 release.

The trailers, which premiered leading up to The way of the water, have shown audiences what to expect from Pandora’s ocean life, though fans can certainly be surprised with the full movie. The official IMAX poster was recently released from the avatar Twitter account, giving the audience another look at the amazing marine life that awaits you. On the poster, fans can see huge cetacean creatures, an abundance of brightly colored coral and other alien inhabitants. The IMAX poster can be found below.


Avatar: The of water is under immense pressure as the project has been in some form of development for nearly a decade. The rumored budget is so big that the movie has to be in the top 5 highest grossing movies of all time to make a profit, with a $2 billion payday almost a requirement. The first film still holds the top spot for the highest-grossing film of all time, though James Cameron hopes to break his record next month. Avatar: the way of the water hits theaters on December 16.

Related: Latest Avatar: The Way of Water footage further teases war on Pandora

James Cameron waited for technology to catch up with his ambition

James Cameron in The Story of Science Fiction

There’s a reason Avatar: the way of the water took so long to make, and it’s not because James Cameron is lazy. In fact, Cameron was so ambitious with his follow-up ideas that they were unfeasible a decade ago. Much of the movie takes place in or underwater, with the crew needing new and improved motion capture suits to make it work. The director discussed the new technology in the past and said, “It’s never been done before.”

“Well, we’re doing it. It’s never been done before and it’s very inconvenient because our motion capture system, like most motion capture systems, uses what they call optical base, which means it uses markers that are used with hundreds of cameras. photographed. The problem with water is not the underwater part, but the interface between the sky and the water, which forms a moving mirror. That moving mirror reflects all the dots and marks, and it creates some false marks. It’s kind of like a fighter jet that dumps a bunch of chaff to confuse a missile’s radar system it creates thousands of false targets so we had to figure out how to get around that problem which we did every problem it just gets ten times harder so we got a lot horsepower, innovation, imagination and new technology thrown at the problem, and it’s now taken us about a year and a half to figure out how we’re going to do it.”

Cameron plans to follow up with three more films The way of the water, although the fourth and fifth will rely on box office success from the earlier films. So will avatar continue her dominance in the theater? The public will find out on December 16.

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