Streaming services that get the price right – and those that miss the mark

Netflix and Discovery+ ad-free subscriptions are a great deal when you consider the demand for their content, while some SVODs are charging their users more.

In an inflationary environment, it is important to understand which streaming services will have the leeway to charge consumers more. The central value proposition streaming video on demand services (SVODs) provide to their customers is a list of content they want to watch for a recurring subscription price. The key point is that it is not just the size of the catalog that a platform values ​​to customers but how desirable that content is. Demand is therefore key to understanding what price point a platform should set in order to be an attractive deal to customers and remain competitive with other platforms. We see a clear correlation between the total demand for content on each platform (movies and TV series) and the price each platform charges consumers.

As streamers continue to raise prices but consumer budgets are squeezed, striking a balance between keeping up with rising costs while not triggering subscriber churn will be critical. As Wall Street’s focus on these platforms shifts from just looking at net subscribers to examining streaming revenue, the ability to charge consumers more will help steer these streamers toward becoming profitable.

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