Meyers says Biden will intervene on House Speaker vote when ‘it stops being hilarious’

After three days of voting without a successful agreement on who should be the next Speaker of the House, Republicans are turning on each other in Congress, hurling more and more insults at people within their own party. And Seth Meyers doubts President Joe Biden will let him continue doing it, just because it’s funny.

All this week, Republican Kevin McCarthy has been unable to secure the number of votes needed to become Speaker of the House, which the GOP took a majority by a razor-thin margin in the 2022 midterms. McCarthy has received staunch opposition, particularly from far-right members of the party, and has, in fact, lost votes between polling rounds so far.

Until a new speaker is elected, Congress cannot begin work on any other matter, meaning the House of Representatives has been adjourned for several days, as Democrats see. And, according to Seth Meyers, that’s probably what will continue to happen.

“The White House said yesterday that it has no plans to intervene in President Biden’s House Speaker election after Republican Kevin McCarthy failed to secure enough votes during the election. Second Ballot to speak – at least, not until it stops being swell,” Meyers joked.

The late-night host took some glee at watching this unfold, saying Republicans “deserve” the chaos their intrusion has caused. On Wednesday night, he scoffed at the idea that Republicans expected to easily win the 2022 midterms may not win now, even on a much smaller scale.

“Jeez, you guys can’t even keep a red wave between you,” he joked.

You can watch Meyers’ full monologue in the video above.

Meyers says Trump could never be House Speaker: He doesn't live in the House, 'and he's not very good at speaking' (VIDEO)

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