‘In what decade could that sentence have been written?’ (Video)

wednesday report from the washington post It was revealed that FBI agents and the Justice Department clashed in 2022 over the ongoing criminal investigation of Donald Trump, with some members of the former government body arguing that they were “inclined to believe” the former president’s innocence.

While hosting “The Last Word” on MSNBC on Wednesday, Lawrence O’Donnell was left speechless, clearly shocked and enraged at the perceived hypocrisy that “FBI agents who are vetted for competence in finding the truth They were ‘inclined to believe Trump.

“In what decade could that sentence possibly have been written?” said O’Donnell, dumbfounded, asserting that it “may be the most astonishing sentence ever written that contains the words ‘FBI agent’ and ‘Trump’.”

The news channel host then recounted some highlights from Trump’s career of lies, going back to the 1970s when he and his father were “subject to a federal civil rights investigation by the Justice Department … when the Trump Company He was dragged to court in New York. Or how about 2011 “when Trump publicly began lying about Barack Obama’s birth certificate. Which FBI agent would believe that guy?” “

Or also looking at the Post’s previous investigation into the Trump presidency, which “systematically told 30,573 public lies by Trump during his presidency. This doesn’t include all the lies Trump told during his presidential election after leaving office.” And all the other lies Trump has told since he left office. The same FBI agents heard all those lies, and they were ‘inclined to believe Trump’.

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The Post’s Wednesday report suggests the friction dates back to June 2022, when the FBI advised the DOJ to close its criminal investigation on June 3 — which particularly frustrated O’Donnell, who was told by TODAY considered in sight.

“If those FBI agents got their way, Donald Trump would still have more than 100 classified records in Florida, 18 of them top secret, along with thousands of pages of government documents seized two months later with a search warrant.” Those same FBI agents argued against it,” he said.

Watch the full “Last Words” segment in the video above.

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