Clark Backo is a lawyer who exposes a dark conspiracy in a confession

Vertical Entertainment just released their latest movie Confession, and we have an exclusive clip for you to preview. After an up-and-coming lawyer discovers a dark conspiracy, the film stars Clark Backo (Letterkenny, Outsiders) in the lead. Our clip features Backo and co-star Brandon Ford Green (I’m dying here, Good grief) speaking in character about a big case at hand for the lawyer, whose client has alleged sexual assault of a powerful man. You can watch the clip below.

Together with Backo and Green, Nolan plays Gerard Funk (The stewardess), Michael Ironside (Top gun), Sterling Beaumon (Lost), and Sarah Hay (Black Swan). Directed by Dayna Hanson (Room 104) and written by Gregory Mulligan. The film is produced by Jordan Yale Levine, Jordan Beckerman, Michael J. Rothstein, Sarah Hay and Todd Slater.


The official synopsis for Confession is as follows:

Confession follows an ambitious, up-and-coming district attorney who takes on the recently dismissed small-town case of a young woman who has accused three men of sexual assault. As she risks her career to uncover the truth, little does she know that the web she’s unraveling leads to a sobering story of murder, lies and deceit that could change the city’s history forever.

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Confession was an important story to tell

Vertical Confession
Vertical entertainment

Director Dayna Hanson recently spoke about how the film sheds light on the real issues with how sexual assault is handled by the US justice system. She notes that the film has cinematic elements, but it can still help raise awareness about how and why sexual assault is so grossly underreported. Hanson was specifically critical of the statute of limitations.

“Sexual assault crimes are just massively underreported, and one of the main reasons people choose not to report crimes as victims is because they think the police won’t do anything to help them,” she said on The Donna Drake Show. “That hesitation is really strong and it just creates such a toxic situation for people who survive crimes like this.”

She continued, “That’s exactly what this story is about, and what this movie is about. It takes a very specific approach, there’s a lot of suspense and mystery to it, but it also really explores some of the film’s shortcomings.” legal system, especially the statute of limitations, which is very problematic in this country. It is the core of the plot of Confession.”

Confession hits theaters March 10. You can watch the full trailer for the movie below.

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