Dark Marvel characters who deserve their own movies, ranked

Marvel Comics has gone to great lengths to adapt its vast roster of iconic characters to the screen. Many have appeared in their major blockbuster tentpoles, while others have appeared in their multiple TV shows. Surprising as it may seem, many characters have yet to debut in any media; when you have almost 70,000 characters in your library, you are always bound to leave someone out.

From the cosmic warrior Beta Ray Bill to the alien hero Sleepwalker, these characters bring something unique and exciting to the Marvel Universe. Some have struggled with inner demons and the psychological toll of their powers, while others have battled supernatural and technological threats to save the world. Many of these superheroes offer new perspectives on heroism, identity and empowerment and could help diversify the types of stories told in the MCU. Here are ten lesser-known Marvel characters who deserve their time in the spotlight.


10 The sentinel

The Sentinel in Marvel Comics
Marvel comic books

The Sentry is one of Marvel’s most mysterious characters. He was introduced as a ruse by telling everyone he was a Silver Age staple that everyone seemed to forget, supposedly a Superman archetype created by Stan Lee and Artie Rosen. The ruse was lifted, revealing that Paul Jenkins and Jae Lee created him in the late 90s. The actual story behind the character is dark, powerful and intriguing. Sentry is often portrayed as a conflicted character who struggles with mental health issues. This makes him unique and interesting to be discovered in a movie. With the character already established as one of the most powerful mainstays in the comic, any complexities related to this character are worth exploring, such as his schizophrenia and the uncanny relationship with his nemesis, The Void. There is a big rumor that The Sentry will debut The lightning bolts movies, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

9 Elsa Bloodstone

Elsa Bloodstone - Marvel Comics
Marvel comic books

Elsa Bloodstone is a monster hunter with legendary abilities passed down from her father, Ulysses. She has all the traditional trappings of a monster hunter: a stake through her heart, garlic around her neck, and a silver crossbow. But she also has a few unique abilities, including the ability to see monsters even when they’re disguised as humans. Elsa is fierce and independent, but she doesn’t mind teaming up with other monster hunters or the occasional superhero when the situation calls for it. Elsa is a fascinating character with a rich history and there are many possibilities to explore regarding Marvel’s Monster-verse. We’d love to see her get a movie or special where she can star as the badass monster hunter she is.

Related: Superpowers changed for the MCU

8 Sleepwalker

Marvel comic books

Sleepwalker is a little known character with enough knowledge to direct his own movie. Created by Bob Budiansky and Bret Blevins, Sleepwalker first appeared in 1991. The character is an alternate personality of Rick Sheridan, a college student who was experimented on by the villain Cobweb. When Rick falls asleep, Sleepwalker takes over his body and fights in the Dreamworld; However, Sleepwalker is unaware of his true identity when awake.

Despite being relatively obscure, Sleepwalker has a lot to offer as a potential movie lead. He’s got a pretty cool power set that would lend itself well to some visually gripping scenes on the big screen. Plus, his dual nature – part human, part Dreamworld entity – makes for an interesting dynamic that could be explored in depth in a feature film. Finally, the fact that he could be more famous means there’s room to play with his origin story without being too tied to the existing comedy canon. It doesn’t hurt that he has close ties to Spider-Man, which makes him more interesting than an unnamed character like “El Muerto.”

7 Wonderman

Marvel comic books

Marvel’s version of Shazam, this character has been buried in legal shenanigans for yearsmaking him a hot potato that Marvel finally managed to get its hands on in 2009. Created by Mick Anglo in 1954 in response to DC’s challenge of copyright for the Captain Marvel name, Miracleman was first known as “Marvelman”, the character had a period of popularity until the 1960s when it waned and disappeared.

This all-powerful character, revived in the 1980s by Alan Moore and Neil Gaiman, is a Shazam archetype that goes beyond the usual scope of innocence portrayed by the Big Red Cheese. Miracleman understands the world and the universe like no other living creature and tries to make the world a better place, no matter the cost. His adventures don’t take place in the central 616 universe, making him an excellent sketch for a separate entry in the MCU unrelated to everything else.

6 The Supreme Squadron

Marvel_Squadron Supreme
Marvel comic books

The Squadron Supreme is a team of super-powered creatures from an alternate universe that first appeared in 1985. The team consists of several archetypes with powers and abilities similar to DC’s Justice League members, but with different names and origins. The team has been featured in several comics, but hasn’t gotten the Hollywood treatment yet. The Squadron Supreme first came together during a crisis in their world when a villain named Scarlet Centurion attempted to take over the world, and the Squadron solved the problem by creating the utopia initiative. The Supreme Squadron has faced many challenges within its ranks and from other realities. They also have a rotating list of members, including alternate versions of the characters from different universes. If one team is ripe to explore the potential of the Multiverse Saga, this one has it all!

5 Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch)

Ghost Rider
Marvel comic books

As the nephew of original Ghost Rider Johnny Blaze, Danny Ketch took on the mantle of the Spirit of Vengeance after his uncle’s retirement. Unlike its predecessor, Ketch’s Ghost Rider was powered by the Penance Stare: the ability to make people feel the weight of all their sins in one moment at a time. This power made Danny a more effective fighter against evil, but it also made him a target for other supernatural entities who wanted to use his power for their purposes. This led to a series of adventures where Ketch had to fight these forces and come to terms with his demons.

Despite being one of Marvel’s mainstays in the 90s, the character has been forgotten for quite some time. His unique abilities make for visually stunning set pieces and Jonny’s struggles, adding an emotional depth often lacking in superhero movies. There’s a lot of potential here for a thrilling and action-packed movie.

Related: Which Ghost Rider Should Be Featured in the MCU?

4 Jack of Hearts

Jack of Hearts
Marvel comic books

Jack of Hearts, also known as Jonathan Hart, is a character in the Marvel Universe who first appeared in 1976, the son of a scientist who created an energy source called “zero fluid” and an alien humanoid woman of the Contraxian race. He is a tragic figure in Avengers lore, with a checkered history due to his total lack of control over his powers. Jack is a kind-hearted person who wants to help others. He was an active member of the Avengers, and his death and resurrection kick-started the Marvel Disassembled era.

Given his complex background and position of power, Jack would make an interesting and unique protagonist in a movie or Disney+ series.

3 The new fighters

Marvel_New Warriors
Marvel comic books

The New Warriors are essentially Marvel’s answers to the Teen Titans. The team of young superheroes first appeared on the pages of Marvel Comics in the early 1990s. It was initially composed of teenage characters who had all recently acquired superpowers, including Speedball, Namorita, Firestar, and Night Thrasher. Since their inception, the New Warriors have gone through numerous lineup changes, but they have always remained a team of young heroes trying to make a difference in the world. The team has always been co-led by Justice and Speedball, some of the most optimistic characters in the Marvel Universe.

The New Warriors could be popular with a lineup featuring popular characters like Ms. Marvel, The Scarlet Spider and Nova. And with rumors that Marvel Studios is interested in making a movie about the team, it’s only a matter of time before we see these heroes on the big screen.

2 Beta Ray Bill

Beta Ray Bill in Marvel Comics
Marvel comic books

Beta Ray Bill is a beloved Marvel character with a unique look and compelling backstory that would translate well to the big screen. He is an alien warrior worthy enough to wield Thor’s Mjolnir, granting him similar strength to the God of Thunder. The MCU could expand the cosmic side by introducing Bill’s new alien race and culture. This would make for exciting action sequences and potential crossover opportunities.

The story of Beta Ray Bill explores the identity struggle with his alien and divine heritage. The studio can also explore his journey to prove himself as a hero and earn the respect of other heroes despite his unfamiliar looks and culture, which would make for a compelling and inspiring story. We’ve known Beta Ray exists in the MCU ever since we saw a glimpse of him Thor: Ragnarok. Since Thor gets some rest, we can get some Asgardian love with a brand new face.

1 quasar

Marvel comic books

Quasar was the first character to wear the “Marvel Boy” mantle in 1978. A year later it would be renamed “Quasar”. He is one of Marvel’s most intriguing and powerful characters yet to be fully explored in the MCU. Quasar is also known as Wendell Vaughn. He is the bearer of the Quantum Bands, which allow him to manipulate energy and create constructs with his mind. This unique power can provide visually stunning and creative action sequences on the big screen. Quasar has a strong connection to the cosmic side of the Marvel Universe, something Marvel is about to lose with their latest entry into the Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy. Setting up Quasar will allow the MCU to expand and explore the vastness of space even further.

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