Why F. Murray left Abraham Mythic Quest

Mythical quest is a popular series on AppleTV+. The series focuses on a video game company making a popular MMORPG name Mythical quest. The series features an impressive cast of comedic actors, but there is one Academy Award winner: F Murray Abraham. Abraham is known for his award-winning performance in Amadeus and for roles in movies like All the president’s men, ScarfaceAnd The big hotel in Budapestto name a few.

On Mythical queststars Abraham CW Lubbermans, a Nebula award-winning sci-fi writer who has a colorful past and is now lead writer for the Mythical quest game. He was a vital cast member of the series. But in 2022, news came that Abraham would not be returning for season 3. No official reason was given for the actor’s departure. There are probably several factors that prevented him from returning to the series. See why F. Murray is written Abraham Mythical quest season three and how the writers handled his departure.

The COVID-19 pandemic likely influenced the role

Mythic Quest cast
Apple TV+

A likely reason why F. Murray Abraham did not return Mythical quest season three was the COVID-19 pandemic. Season two began filming in November 2020 and production halted twice due to on-set COVID-19 transmission cases. Due to this fact, the character of Abraham filmed all his scenes via Zoom and was written into the series because he self-isolated.

The actor didn’t share the screen with another actor until episode seven of season two. At that time, vaccines were more readily available. Still, his role was reduced to a few scenes in the final episodes of the season. Meanwhile, Abraham was busy securing parts in other projects.

The actor’s schedule became busy

F. Murray Abraham in White Lotus

Despite being in his 80s, F. Murray Abraham is still a busy actor who is in high demand. The actor booked two high-profile television series in 2022, which were then broadcast and filmed Mythical quest season 3 was in production. The first was as the voice of the Egyptian moon god K’honshu in Marvel Studios’ Moon Knight. K’honshu is a vocal performance so it was ideal for the actor during COVID-19 and probably wouldn’t have impacted his return to Mythical quest.

Related: Moon Knight: Is Khonshu the show’s real villain?

However, the other series he landed was an on-screen part. Abraham was one of the main characters in HBO’s second season white Lotus. It was announced that Abraham would have joined the cast in January 2022 and filming began in February 2022. In April 2022, it was confirmed that Abraham would not be returning for Mythical quest season three.

There is a chance that the two shooting schedules overlap and Abraham chooses White Luts. The writers of Mythical quest could have written him out of the series and left the door open for him to return. Instead, the writers decided to write him out of the series.

How did Mythic Quest write him out

Mythical quest
Apple TV+

Mythical quest The season three premiere episode begins with the characters getting ready to welcome CW Longbottom after a long journey. The twist in the final moments of the episode reveals that CW was diagnosed with a terminal illness. He decided to end his life by driving his car across the Grand Canyon without realizing that this is the same ending as Thelma and Louise.

His last comment to the Mythical quest team is a thank you for the house they gave him and for holding on to their connections. It’s a sweet final goodbye to the character and a meta goodbye for the actor.

Related: F. Murray Abraham’s Best Movies, Ranked

The scene also plays into the bigger arc of season three with so much of the Mythical quest team from the original season have grown on their own path. It’s a reminder for them to stick together and hold on to their connections. The writers of Mythical quest took a character’s departure and found a way to say a fitting goodbye and tie it into the broader themes of the season. While it may seem harsh to kill off Abraham’s character if the actor wanted to return, it also makes sense with where season two of Mythical quest took his character.

The story of CW Lubbermans was over

Mythic Quest Backstory
Apple TV+

While Abraham did not appear in many of them Mythical quest season two devoted the season two major episodes to his character. The first was season two, episode six, titled “Backstory,” which clearly focused on CW’s backstory as a young writer named Carl Longbottom (played by Silicon Valleyby Josh Brener).

The episode details how CW got his award despite the series pointing out how bad he is as a writer. It also describes his friendship with two young writers Anne Goldsmith (Shelley Hennig) and Peter Cromwell (Michael Cassidy), and how he pushed them away.

In the next episode, “Peter”, CW goes to meet Peter (William Hurt) in the present, who is dying. Anne Goldsmith passed away. The episode focuses on CW’s resentment towards Peter for stealing the woman he loved, while Peter resents CW for pushing him and Anne away. As the two begin the episode angry with each other, the final moments see the two reconcile and not only share their love for Anne, but also for writing.

CW has released his past anger as he lost two people he loved. He has the family he has Mythical quest, but Abraham’s departure from the series meant he couldn’t just leave his new family. CW’s story had come to a natural end and Abraham’s departure only made it clear that it was time to say goodbye, but show it Mythical quest could continue.

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