The best comedy duos in movie history

Comedies are one of the cornerstones of the movie world. But one of the most underrated and forgotten aspects of the most hilarious movies throughout history is the performers who make us laugh. Some of the most iconic moments in movies resulted from the chemistry and theatrics of brilliant comedy duos.

In this list, we’ll revisit some of the best pairings in movie history, from classics in the black and white era to modern day comics that have put a smile on our faces and made us laugh out loud over the years. For our list, we selected couples who starred in more than two movies and were praised by audiences and critics for their performances.

Get ready to encounter some of the funniest combinations in movie history.

7 Laurel and Hardy

Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in Sons of the Desert
Hal Roach Studios

One of the most beloved comedy duos in movie history Laurel and Hardy, also known as Stan and Ollie. They started their career in the silent era and seamlessly transitioned to talkies. During their 32-year partnership, they appeared in over 107 films together. What made Stan and Ollie’s pairing stand out and make it iconic was that their act was based on personalities that were so contrasting to each other that it led to audiences finding their performances some of the funniest things to watch. Their dynamic was based on Oliver Hardy as the pushy boss and Stan Laurel as the naive innocent man.

Son of the desert (1933), and Get out of the west (1937) were some of the films they were best known for. They won an Academy Award for Best Short Film for their 1932 classic The Music Box. In Get out of the west, they hilariously attempt to deliver an act to a gold mine in a western town, their journey is filled with comedic mishaps that made them popular with the public. Their most iconic performance together was in The Music Box where they attempt to move a piano over a flight of stairs, resulting in a truly comical sequence of events. Their charm was unparalleled and they made sure to add color even in the black and white background by bringing laughter into people’s lives.

Related: Best Classic Comedies of the 1930s

6 Abbott and Costello

Abbott and Costello in Meet the Mummy

Another classic historical duo that is capturing people’s hearts and minds is Abbott and Costello. They were also known as Lou Bud and Lou. Their partnership was characterized by Abbott being the sensible straightforward guy and Costello being a goofy character who would love to mess around. The pair were inseparable on screen as audiences loved their clever and witty humor, which led to them making more than 36 movies together. Their dynamic was different from Laurel and Hardy’s, but equally entertaining. In Abbott and Costello’s films, they often got into absurd situations, with Costello’s antics causing chaos and Abbott trying to keep things under control.

Some of their best movies includeBuck Privates (1941), Hold that spirit (1941), and Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein (1948). Buck Privates was their first time being paired together on the big screen and accidentally saw them enlist in the military, resulting in a series of hilarious mishaps. Hold that spirit made her inherit a haunted house, which led to a series of spooky and comedic events and Abbott and Costello meet Frankenstein let them encounter the famous monster in a comedy-horror crossover.

5 Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor

Gene Wilder and Richard Pryor in See No Evil, Hear No Evil
TriStar Photos

Wacky, unpredictable and funny, Richard Prior And Gene Wilder were the ultimate comic couple of their time. Pryor was a master of observant wit, while Wilder’s idiosyncratic and eccentric personality made him a comedic prodigy. Together they provided an unstoppable laugh that brought joy to viewers everywhere.

Their initial collaboration in the 1976 blockbuster, Silver Stripe, saw Pryor play a savvy robber and Wilder a reluctant book editor, teaming up to solve a murder mystery aboard a train. The film was a huge triumph and led to two more films, Stir crazy And See no evil, hear no evilboth of which were equally hilarious.

In Stir crazy, Pryor and Wilder’s portrayal of two wrongfully imprisoned men forced to participate in a prison rodeo was an unforgettable scene. Their attempt to ride a bucking bull remains a classic and is still fondly recalled.

4 Tina Fey and Amy Poehler

Tina Fey and Amy Poehler in Sisters
Universal images

contemporary comedians, Amy Poehler And Tina Fey are names synonymous with humor and entertainment. They worked well together as a duo and never failed to entertain the audience. Their dynamic was filled with satire and poking at established ideas that made them stand out. The on-screen chemistry between the duo made audiences fall head over heels for their performances, providing audiences with some of the most memorable moments in the history of comedy shows and movies.

This success gave them the opportunity to host the 2013 Academy Awards where they put on another spectacular performance for the audience. The audience loved the timing and the chemistry the duo had with each other. This performance by the duo was praised and acclaimed for its witty satire of Hollywood and considered one of the best in Academy Awards history. This performance by Poehler and Fey further cemented the duo’s legacy, which will go down in history and make them one of the most memorable comedy duos of our time.

Related: These are the best Academy Awards hosts of all time

3 Steve Martin and John Candy

Steve Martin as Neal Page and John Candy as Del Griffith
Paramount Pictures

The comic duo of Steve Martin And John Candy, two of the most renowned comedians of the 1980s. The duo’s classic travel film Planes, trains and cars, is still fondly appreciated. With Martin’s caustic humor and deadpan tone, and Candy’s skillful physical comedy and improvisation, they produced a dynamic that was both hilarious and heartwarming.

In the film, Martin and Candy portray two unknown people who are forced to travel together to reach their home for Thanksgiving. Laughable mishaps and misunderstandings fill the film, and their palpable chemistry is undeniable. One of their most iconic scenes together was when the duo were staying in a room in a motel and they realized at night that they had been cuddling. The couple’s performance in that scene made everyone appreciate how committed they were to making everyone laugh and how well they worked together as a couple on the big screen.

2 The Marx Brothers

Marx Brothers in A Night at the Opera
Loews Inc.

Another pioneering comedy act in history was the Marx brothers, consisting of Groucho, Chico, Harpo, Zeppo and Gummo. This couple is highly regarded in the world of comedy films of the time. Their performances were revolutionary, performing comedic skits that stunned viewers with the stories being told, even with the limitations of black and white cinema.

The silent clown, Harpo, is known for his shenanigans and slapstick humor, while Zeppo, the straight man, is the perfect counterpart to his wacky brothers. Duck soupwho mocked war and politics with a sharp wit, Animal Crackersa film full of humorous puns and one-liners, and A night at the opera, which showcased the Marx Brothers’ hilarious timing and natural chemistry, are some of their best films. Their timeless humor influenced generations of comedians and their comedic legacy survives to this day.

1 Chris Farley and David Spade

Chris Farley and David Spade in Tommy Boy
Paramount Pictures

Chris Farley And David Spade have left a lasting impression in the entertainment industry as a comedy duo. Instinctive chemistry and comedic timing made Farley and Spade a beloved choice among fans during their rise to fame Saturday Night Live early nineties. Their combination was known and loved by the public for their dynamism. The duo style is considered a classic with Spade usually being the one responsible who decided to follow the rules and Farley ended up being an idiotdoing stupid things and causing trouble for Spade.

Their style tapped into the classic formula loved by audiences and appreciated in the 1990s. They were part of lighthearted comedy films that often helped audiences understand how mundane life could be, but how you could still find joy and happiness in it. The duo has brought a wave of on-screen laughter to audiences with their work. They are considered one of the most exceptional and talented comedy duos in the history of cinema.

Related: Best Comedy Movies of All Time, Ranked

These duos have been iconic in various movie eras, but they all have one thing in common: they inspired future comedians with their performances. From Laurel and Hardy to Spade and Farley, these duos are classic couples who have graced the world with talent and made people laugh for generations.

The contributions of these legendary duos should not be forgotten, but we must remember all the memorable moments they gave us to make the audience laugh. They helped revolutionize the comedy genre and pushed the boundaries of what is possible in comedy movies, paving the way for other comedy couples after them. They have been exceptional over the years and have left an indelible mark on the history of cinema with their performances.

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