Bernie Sanders ‘pokes the bear’ by mocking 75-year-old Chris Wallace’s age

Sen. Bernie Sanders couldn’t help himself when CNN’s Chris Wallace ducked a series of questions about potential cognitive testing for aging presidential candidates, a much less sensitive topic for the 81-year-old Vermont Democrat.

“We’re out of age. I think you’re worried about being old here,” Sanders joked with the 75-year-old host of HBO Max.who is speaking to chris wallace, “That’s what I’m hearing here, Chris. But I’ll fight to keep you [news] station,” Sanders added with a laugh.

Wallace, in good spirit, was quick to jab back.

“You poked the bear!” joked Wallace, who has been working in broadcast journalism since 1964, when he was an assistant to Walter Cronkite. “I’m going back in age. To tell the truth. Honestly. You’re 81, I’m 75. Am I sharper? Do I feel like I have the mental acuity I had five or 10 years ago? No, I think I’m pretty cool. And to some extent, I’m testing my mental acuity whenever I sit next to someone like you. Do you think maybe you’ve missed a step?”

“I mean, I let other people make that decision. I think you’re doing great. I’d vote to keep you here at the station, how did that go?” Sanders replied.

“I guess you’re young at 81, so I’ll vote for you too,” Wallace smiled.

Wallace initially raised the topic in connection with President Joe Biden’s recent announcement that he would run for re-election last November despite turning 80 years old. Wallace pointed to possible hesitation from potential Biden voters because of his advanced age. Sanders, who ran against Biden in the 2020 presidential primaries, has already endorsed the president’s re-election.

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“In our country, in theory, the people make the decisions,” Sanders said. “If you think President Biden is too old and you can’t vote for him, well, that’s your opinion. I would suggest you look at the totality of the person. Take a look at the work he does and decide.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to have more information in decision making?” Wallace countered.

Sanders replied, “I don’t think you give cognitive tests to all candidates.” “And just getting started on people [age] 75 No, I would not agree.

Wallace explained that he meant no disrespect to Sanders, who has held the position as Vermont’s senator since 2007.

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