Although the Monsters, Inc. factory is looking for stubborn, tough and intimidating monsters, the practice required to reach that scary level is actually quite rigorous. The demands are high and the quotas must be completed with hunger and speed. If kids were to ever enter the monster world, it could lead to disruption of the “monsters under your bed” phenomenon – and God forbid they have a 2319, where a monster has been infected, forcing the entire factory to shut down.
The intense competition between the monsters leads to louder screams and a higher scare total – everything the factory is about. Although the monsters train, some of them fail the scary test, making the competition even more serious. And perhaps the most competitive monsters in training are Randall and Sully. They constantly outdo the other in fears and each has a clique to celebrate with. Randall the lizard even goes so far as to urge his comrade, “If I don’t see a new door in my station in five seconds, I’ll personally put you through the shredder!” If that doesn’t scream scary, what does?
Although Randall is the monster assigned to Boo, and the girl is unreasonably scared by him, she finds no harassment with Sully and Mike the night she breaks into the factory grounds. Sully, Mike and Boo go on a journey hoping to hide Boo from the monsters and return her to her bedroom without anyone finding out. Boo charms her way into Sully’s heart with her cute nature and is basically unafraid of her new friends. Sully is actually more afraid of Boo than she is of him. Although his fear of being caught with Boo may cause him to become more tense, the duo play hide and seek, laugh together and find friendship in the other, eventually taming the monster in Sully.
10 Yeti
Yeti is our least scary monster. When Boo is trapped in the factory without Sully and Mike, he does everything he can to help them get back to her. All three monsters had been banished to frighten children, so when Sully and Mike showed up in the snow at Yeti’s cave, he knew what to do. He provided them with snow cones and a place to stay when the factory would have nothing to do with them due to interaction with a child. And in the end, he leads Sully and Mike back to Boo, making him one of the cuter “monsters” of the movie.
9 George Sanderson
George Sanderson, the big orange monster, is not too scary but does his job when it comes to scaring the kids. George walks aloofly through the factory, as if nothing is wrong. His demeanor is relaxed, yet a bit creepy, as his lack of attention leaves you wondering if he’s going to be nice or mean. He had called a 2319 because he had been infected by a child’s sock, leaving the entire factory in ruins. Outside the door, however, he could have the potential to be approachable, but only if he explained himself more.
8 Mike Wazowski
Mike Wazowski comes next on our list of scary monsters. He leads more with laughter than yelling and is always the first to crack a joke. He even goes so far as to cause deliberate accidents to make Boo laugh while she is scared. He laughs at himself and even has a healthy relationship with his girlfriend Celia. Basically, he’s super charming, and there’s nothing creepy about the little one-eyed green monster.
7 Celia
Celia, Mike Wazowski’s girlfriend, ranks seventh on our creepy monster list. She intimidates Mike more than he scares the kids, and she does it very well. She’s kind of sour and then sweet, but still delicious.
6 Mold
Mold the mechanic is next, if only for the fact that he’s an antagonist in the film. He is essentially Randall’s sidekick who will do anything he tells him to do. When the factory learns that a child is on the premises, it tries to get information from Mike and Sully. He follows Randall’s lead no matter how far he strays, so that’s why he’s kind of cringeworthy here.
5 Tarnish
Next is the big blue man himself, Tarnish. He’s the scariest monster in the factory with the most terrifying totals – and his scream, well, it’s huge. Children may not be allowed into the factory, but when Boo shows up, he quickly befriends her and makes her feel safe. Although he does everything he can to save Boo and leads with friendship, he actually has an extremely terrifying roar, making him number five on our creepy list.
4 Boo
Now you may disagree, but our next monster in this creepy ranking is the little girl Boo. She has the ability to not only turn Sully into a completely different monster, but does it by initially driving it out of him. She’s precious and cute, yes, but the fact that she intimidated the monsters more than she was intimidated by them puts her higher on this creepy list. Not to mention, the presence of a human child in the factory made all the monsters shake in their boots, as they were used to being the ones in charge of the scaring.
3 Mr Waternose
Mr Waternose was nice until he wasn’t anymore. As the owner of the factory, he had to keep the peace between the monsters, so he started out rather understanding and polite. That is until Boo was found on the factory grounds and he had to show the monster inside him (although he doesn’t give in to scaring the kids). At first you’d think he’s going to help Sully, Mike and Boo, but the first chance he gets, he quickly turns on them. He sadly goes down in the movie, but Boo returns home, so really, that’s all that matters.
2 pink
pink is next on our scariest monster list. Not only does she have a voice that makes your skin crawl, but she ends up becoming an undercover agent at the factory, leading to all things mysterious and scary. Not only that, Roz is constantly on the hunt for Mike and his lost papers. She slips her way and makes Mike nervous to the end when she reveals her true identity. While she doesn’t participate in scaring children, her mere presence is scary enough.
1 Randall
Randall the slippery purple lizard is indeed the scariest monster in the factory. He is Boo’s monster and is the only one who can compete with the standard of Sully’s creepiness. Everything about Randall is scary, from his tone of voice to his screams during his scare time. He is eventually banned from the factory when he tries to kidnap Boo, leaving room for the factory to lead with laughter instead of screams. However, his intentions are pure evil, making him our scariest monster in the factory.