Ron DeSantis Vows To ‘Destroy The Left In America’ (Video)

Florida Govt. Ron DeSantis promised to “destroy the Left in America” ​​and leave behind the leftist ideology in his Memorial Day appearance on “Fox & Friends.”

When asked why he chose to announce his candidacy for the Republican Party in the 2024 presidential election, rather than wait for former President Donald Trump’s second term and then run, the governor replied that everyone Knows that if he is nominated, he will defeat Biden. And then serve two terms.

“I will be able to destroy the Left in this country and leave the awakened ideology on the dustbin of history. At the end of the day, I have shown the ability to win large numbers of voters in Florida that Republicans typically cannot win — as well as deliver the boldest agenda anywhere in the country,” DeSantis said. “And I think That’s one of the reasons the legacy media is attacking me as they are attacking anyone else because I think they realize that if I succeed in winning the Republican nomination, we’re going to bring it home normally. There are elections. And I pledge to Republican voters that if you nominate me, I will take the oath of office on January 20, 2025, on the west side of the Capitol. No excuses, no more excuses why we can’t get it done. We need to get this done, and I will get it done.

The politician also addressed his upcoming trip to Iowa to campaign for his nomination.

“We’re competing everywhere. Iowa is very important. We’ve got an incredible amount of support. I already had the endorsements of 37 legislators there before I announced my candidacy.” “We obviously have a lot in common with Iowa. What Florida has done and what they have done under Gov. Kim Reynolds. And I think the base of support has been really strong.

DeSantis circled back to one of the first questions he asked about how different his policies are from Trump’s. He pointed to Disney as the main point of disagreement between them.

“Me and Donald Trump may have some differences, and I think those differences are played to my advantage in a place like Iowa. For example, you know, he’s on Disney’s side in our fight here in Florida.” taking it,” DeSantis said. “I stand up for the parents, I stand up for the kids. And I think that a multibillion dollar company that sexually exploits children is not consistent with the values ​​of Florida or the values ​​of a place like Iowa.

Watch the full “Fox & Friends” segment in the video above.

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