Interpreted vs Compiled Programming Languages: What’s the Difference?

However, there are differences between how an interpreter and a compiler works. A compiled program is not human readable, but instead is in an architecture-specific machine language. First, the programmer, using a development tool or even a simple text editor, writes the source code in a chosen computer language. If the program is complex, pieces of it may be spread across several files. The programmer then compiles the program, sorting and linking the modules and translating it all into machine code that the computer understands. High-level programming language development is a result of wanting to strike a balance between performance and productivity.

what is compiler and interpreter

For instance, what does it mean to add a string with an integer? JavaScript allows this meaningless statement to happen, which leads to more bugs. The different code files are linked to form an executable program termed as exe.

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The interpreter facilitates the implementation of computer programming language constructs. As compilation takes time to produce efficient executables, the development time can take longer. Generated expressions on demand come naturally with interpreted languages. May involve type checking, definite assignment, or object binding, which forms the basis for checking whether your code is meaningful.

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Posted: Wed, 17 May 2023 13:03:10 GMT [source]

2 Compiler generates intermediate code, called the object code or machine code. AdvantagesLazy evaluation are often implemented for most interpreted programming languages such as Perl, Haskell, Scheme, and Python. Lazy evaluation allows you to compute an infinitely long data structure without worrying about memory. We know that a compiler evaluates source code as a whole, this translation model maintains certain properties so we are able to assume certain forms of knowledge about the program.

Source-to-Source Compiler (Transpiler)

Compilers and interpreters are software that assists in the conversion of high-level languages into codes that computers can understand. They contain words and phrases from commonly used languages, such as English or other languages. Computers, on the other hand, are unable to comprehend high-level languages in the same way that humans do.

what is compiler and interpreter

This conversion is made just once, on the developer’s environment, and after that the same binary can be distributed to the user’s machines where it can be executed without further translation. A cross compiler can generate binary code for the user machine even if it has a different processor than the machine where the code is compiled. Interpreters were used as early as 1952 to ease programming and also used to translate between low-level machine languages. Python, Ruby, Perl, and PHP are other examples of programming languages that use interpreters. An Interpreter is defined as a machine program that directly executes a set of instructions without compiling them. An interpreter processes the source code to a program and implements dispatch and parsing at runtime.

Bootstrap Compiler

Most integrated development environments use both compilation and translation for some high-level languages, so they can be used together. Java bytecode can either be interpreted at runtime by a virtual machine, or compiled at load time or runtime into native code. Modern JVM implementations use the compilation approach, so after the initial startup time the performance is equivalent to native code.

The compilers are responsible for generating intermediate machine codes while no intermediate machine codes are ever generated by the interpreters. Compilers and interpreters are used to translate a high-level language programme into machine code that computers can understand. There are, nevertheless, distinctions in how an interpreter and a compiler operate. Hence, a compiler or an interpreter is a program that converts program written in high-level language into machine code understood by the computer. Both Python and Julia are interesting candidates to talk about interpreters.


It is an intermediary code that no processor will understand. At run time, the object code is converted to the machine code of the underlying platform. We need to convert the source code into machine code and this is accomplished my compilers and interpreters. “Compiler” is primarily used for programs that translate source code from a high-level programming language to a lower-level programming language. The major difference between a compiler and an interpreter is that a compiler takes the entire program in one go while an interpreter, takes a single line at a time.

A compiler is a computer program that reads a program written in a high-level language such as FORTRAN, PL/I, COBOL, etc. It can translate it into the same program in a low-level language including machine language. The compiler also finds out the various errors encountered during the compilation of a program. Interpreted programming languages mostly take their translation time in the interpreter resulting in a dynamic execution of a program. Have the task of representing the meaning of a program and translating it into a representation that your computer can execute. Suffice to say that code is text data that gets translated into a machine language.

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Since interpreters simplify the process of working with source code, they are especially useful for beginners. Both compiler and interpreter are key components needed to convert a program written in a high-level language into machine code that can be understood by a computer. A compiler and an interpreter, however, function very differently, and there are some differences between the two. In this article, we are going to see what are compilers and interpreters as well as the difference between Compiler and Interpreter.

  • The programmer then compiles the program, sorting and linking the modules and translating it all into machine code that the computer understands.
  • It has a slow speed because a compiler goes through the entire program and then translates the entire program into machine codes.
  • An interpreter translates the entire source code line by line.
  • Interpreters are frequently used to execute command languages, and glue languages since each operator executed in command language is usually an invocation of a complex routine such as an editor or compiler.
  • Most integrated development environments use both compilation and translation for some high-level languages, so they can be used together.
  • Self-modifying code can easily be implemented in an interpreted language.

A compiler or an interpreter is used to translate source code into machine code. An interpreter is highly useful for scripting and other small programmes since it reads and then executes code in a single process. As a result, it’s frequently seen on Web servers that run a lot of executable scripts. It’s also used during the development stage of software to test small bits of code one at a time rather than compiling the entire programme each time. AST keeps the global program structure and relations between statements. This allows the system to perform better analysis during runtime and makes AST a better intermediate format for just-in-time compilers than bytecode representation.

What is the difference between memory requirement of a compiler and an interpreter?

The program codes are translated into machine code already and hence the time to execute the code is very less. The source statements are executed line by line while what is compiler executing the program. Interpreters and Compilers are responsible for this conversion of programming or scripting (high-level language) language into machine code.

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