Lindsey Graham Shouts Back at George Stephanopoulos for Biting Hillary Clinton Tird

Lindsey Graham was an enthusiastic Donald Trump devotee when George Stephanopoulos introduced her on Sunday’s “This Week,” immediately contrasting Trump’s indictment with Hillary Clinton’s emails, and when an ABC reporter tried to get her back on track, The South Carolina senator went ballistic.

After Stephanopoulos mentioned the 37 criminal counts Trump faces for alleged mishandling of classified documents, he asked Graham if he believed Trump when he said he did nothing wrong. And, with that, Graham’s deflection began, attempting to turn the spotlight on Clinton’s use of a private server when she was secretary of state.

“I believe we live in America where if you’re the Democratic nominee for president, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, you can set up a private server in your basement,” Graham said.

Stephanopoulos interrupted to say that Graham was not answering his question. With that the Republican senators left.

“No! Let me finish! This is funny!” He shouted. “I’m trying to answer the question from a Republican perspective. That can’t be acceptable on this show!”

A clearly angered Graham continued to go all in on the “absolutely ridiculous” spying allegation against Trump, comparing it again to Clinton’s accuser of improper handling of emails, to which Graham said “no damn Hui [Mrs. Clinton], Stephanopoulos responded, “She was thoroughly investigated and the investigation found no intentional backlash.” [of documents],

This seemed to further infuriate Graham, who shot back, “Yeah, right.” To that, Stephanopoulos said Trump had been president for four years, and his administration had plenty of time to bring a case against him.

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