Joy Reid says Trump hearings should be televised because of their ‘disruptive potential’ (VIDEO)

Unsurprisingly, MSNBC’s entire primetime lineup spent Tuesday night talking about the biggest political news of the day — the indictment of Donald Trump in Florida on federal charges. And during the discussion, Joy Reid argued that it was important that the upcoming Trump trial be broadcast in order to neutralize Trump’s “ability to use disinformation.”

Trump was indicted on 37 charges stemming from an investigation into his illegal possession of hundreds of sensitive classified documents after leaving the White House. The issue is less that he took the documents and more, according to the indictment, how he and his employees deceived federal investigators and conspired to prevent them from retrieving the documents, and the extremely unsafe way he stored the documents. Which he was deliberately hiding.

and during the 9 p.m. time slot usually occupied by either “The Rachel Maddow Show” or “Alex Wagner Tonight”, Reid appeared with Maddow, Wagner and fellow MSNBC hosts Nicole Wallace and Stephanie Ruhle, where the facts It was that the allegation was not televised. And chances are, neither will the trial.

Reed indicated that it is an open question “if people believe what happens in the courtroom. Because Donald Trump is really powerful in terms of his ability to use misinformation. If the trial is also silent, if The trials can’t actually be heard or seen by the public, so they have to pass through the filter of those of us in the media. Interpreting What happened in the test for the audience.

“And that means only people who already believe what the media says. You’ll never be able to persuade—and I don’t think we need to—one-third of the country forever They’re his people, and since only 60% of the people vote, that’s the 50% he needs to be president again,” Reid continued.

“But the reality is there are people who are not quite right MAGA who are repeating, ‘Well Hillary Clinton, why didn’t she get convicted? Well, Biden had it, well Pence had it,’ And it’s a simple, powerful message,” Reid added. She was of course referring to the much less serious and smaller number of classified documents Biden and Pence discovered they had in their possession after the Trump affair became public. Both cooperated with authorities to return them and have not been charged with wrongdoing. She was also referring to Clinton, who like her predecessor Colin Powell as secretary of state maintained a private server and was ultimately found not to have committed a crime after a year-long FBI investigation.

“So I think you all have made an excellent case that you have to broadcast this trial. You should at least have audio so we can hear for ourselves,” Reed said. Watch that clip below:

Later in the evening during “The 11th Hour with Stephanie Ruhle”, New York Times reporter Katie Brenner, appearing as a panel guest during a discussion of the same issue, disagreed. “I don’t think that having live footage of this trial is going to stop disinformation or misinformation. I don’t think there’s any way that live footage of this trial isn’t going to help Donald Trump as much as it hurts him ‘

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“He is going to stream every bit of live footage from that trial and use it to his advantage in his campaign. I don’t think the idea that the American public could see it live would mean that the American public would not be swayed by the Trump campaign, clever uses of editing, and a kind of spin on whatever it is. Happening,” he continued.

“People are going to different news outlets, but they’re also going to people like Steve Bannon’s radio show, they’re going to bloggers, they’re going to TikTok, they’re going to social media. What happened? to get an interpretation of,” Brenner continued. “They’re not going to sit and watch every second of the trial and if they do, they’re going to go to secondary sources for interpretation.”

Watch that clip below:

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