Chris Hayes warns Trump ‘running a platform of retaliation’ (VIDEO)

On Thursday’s episode of “All In With Chris Hayes,” the MSNBC host returned to a topic he has raised repeatedly in recent weeks — his belief that Donald Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the January 6 insurrection. It is necessary to run immediately.

Trump, Hayes argued, as he noted is currently the frontrunner for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination, “is running on a platform of vengeance.” on a platform to finish.

Hayes also warned, “He’s clearly making this promise and you can’t beat him at the ballot box.” Now watch the full clip here:

“Essentially, it’s been clear for a while, but it’s really become quite clear over the past few days, starting on Jan. 6 that Donald Trump. Now, his frequent promise on the campaign trail is that We will sue his political enemies,” Hayes continued before playing a clip of Trump Pledged to use the full power of the federal government to pursue President Joe Bidenn, as the crowd shouted “lock him up.”

“Of course, it’s not new, as you can tell from the chant. I mean Donald Trump has been chanting and even chanting slogans like this for years.” went Hayes.” During his first campaign for the White House, it was ‘locked His Above, ‘Hillary Clinton. From the beginning, he wanted to jail his political opponents, as were his most ardent supporters.

“It was not of the essence,” Hayes continued, noting that Trump actually attempted to do so after he was elected in 2016. He tried to use the government, especially the Department of Justice, as his personal instrument of reward or revenge. was less than a month after taking office and asked then-FBI director James Comey Close the investigation against your former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn, When Comey refused, Trump fired him. Trump has repeatedly demanded that his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, His former rival Hillary Clinton is on trial, Sessions would not do his bidding and he was eventually fired as well.

“Trump found a more willing Lackey in his next attorney general, Bill Barr, who close the case against michael flynn, Barr also intervened in the case of Roger Stone, a longtime adviser to Trump. He received a more lenient sentence for recommending Regarding the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.

Hayes also noted that what former White House chief of staff John Kelly said in 2022, Trump also wanted to use the irs to chase his enemies, And of course, Hayes said, that both Comey as well as former FBI acting boss Andrew McCabe were fired. Hit by rare, highly serious IRS audit, (The IRS insists the two were random, albeit unlikely coincidences.)

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“But this was about as close as a former president came to successfully launching an investigation into his enemies while in office. And that was because people like Comey and Sessions held the line,” Hayes said. “Instead, of course, Donald Trump himself was the target of an investigation from the Department of Justice, the country he was clearly in charge of as president.”

Hayes described how the 2016 investigation into the alleged role of Russian sabotage and its links to Trump, led by Robert Mueller, was a “witch hunt” according to Trump, and also how Trump himself tried to investigate the investigators. Did. Then he brought things back to their big point.

“Now, the more sound defense during that time,” Hayes said, noting that Trump allies and other Republicans often deploy it, “is basically the justice system can’t solve Donald Trump’s political problem. That is, one had to beat Trump politically in an election. Not legally, there was no Deus Ex Machina, no magic wand. You had to reason.

“It was the same argument we heard again around the first impeachment, remember what it was about? Right. Pleasing for interference from Ukraine in the 2020 election, once again trying to force an investigation of his political opponent In, outsourcing it to another country’s Justice Department, this time Joe Biden,” Hayes said. “But the Republicans still didn’t want to impeach him. And remember their reasoning. He didn’t really defend the stuff on the merits. The argument was that ‘the election is just around the corner, we should let the people decide’.

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Hayes then played a supercut of several Congressional Republicans making the exact same argument in early 2020.

“Guess what? They decided. The people decided. Nine months later, we had an election, the people decided. They voted Donald Trump out of office, the first incumbent to lose re-election in nearly 30 years, Hayes said.

“He lost fair and square. It really wasn’t particularly close. And then in response he staged a bloody coup. He betrayed a violent mob at the Capitol in an attempt to overturn a free and fair election that he wanted the people to did not live to establish himself as ruler against the wishes of the , ”said Hayes.

“After that, after January 6th, the logic doesn’t work anymore,” Hayes argued. “Well, liberals don’t like Donald Trump. They don’t want to go to the effort of persuading people not to vote for him. You’re looking for some legal way you can get some shortcut, investigation or impeachment.” Want to try. No, the anti-Trump majority of the country showed up, and they voted for Donald Trump, and they will not accept the result.

Hayes said that after the deadly events of January 6, “Trump was rendered completely outside the constitutional order, and then warned that” he now has clear promise as the front-runner for the Republican nomination. Finish work, He wants to completely transform the United States government, he wants to purge the civil service at all levels… and the so-called Deep State, the security state security apparatus, and he wants to install cronies and loyalists, maybe those Hire people who were indicted on January 6th, put them in place, and then they can use their positions to go after all their enemies in government.

“He is clearly making this promise and you cannot beat it at the ballot box. I think if he runs, he will lose. I do But this is not enough. We’ve already done that. He was defeated. it should be held legally responsible for his actions. The stakes of the criminal cases against him are very clear. Right now he is running for his freedom and he is running to take revenge on his enemies.

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