Alex Wagner says the affirmative action vote feels like a hangover from the civil rights era

Alex Wagner was among those who condemned the Supreme Court’s decision to effectively repeal affirmative action on Thursday, but she also wasn’t entirely surprised. According to the MSNBC host, the issue feels like a “hangover from the civil rights era” because conservatives didn’t get their way at the time.

Wagner devoted much of his Thursday night show to the affirmative action vote, giving viewers a thorough history lesson showing affirmative action has been a goal for decades now. Eventually, she called Dahlia Lithwick, a senior editor at Slate, and asked if it would be fair to treat it as a small payment.

“Am I wrong in saying it feels like a hangover from the civil rights era? They didn’t win civil rights, affirmative action became a hobby in the late ’70s and ’80s, and now they’re dying,” Wagner said. Let’s ring the bell.

She added, “Just as he could not stop the women’s liberation movement of the 70s, he made it his hobby to abort a woman’s right to bodily autonomy, and he had a big win with Dobbs.” “

Elsewhere in the episode, Wagner expressed concern that this vote only fueled a growing movement “to dismantle the progress we’ve made as a society, particularly as it pertains to inclusivity.

You can watch discussions of “Alex Wagner Tonight” in the video above.

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