The Ayan Mukherji director Brahmastra starring Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt in the lead roles yesterday. The film, reportedly one of the biggest releases of the year, which also features Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy with special appearances from Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone, got off to a good start. In reality, Brahmastra, whose pre-bookings started almost a week before release, witnessed a good surge in ticket sales. Now, for the second day in a row, we hear that the film’s company appears to be having good collection numbers.

According to reports, Brahmastra has seen Day 2 presales remain more or less stable, despite the less than rave reviews. In fact, reports suggest that Brahmastra has crossed the Rs. 20 kr. gross mark in presale ticket sales only for the second day. This, coupled with the fact that most venues will see an increase in bookings for the evening and night shows, the company is expected to Brahmastra will see an increase.

Currently, trade is forecasting a good collection window for the opening weekend for Brahmastraclaiming that the film’s business will continue to grow.

More pages: Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Box Office Collection, Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Movie Review