The much-discussed and highly anticipated Ranbir Kapoor – Alia Bhatt actor Brahmastra, directed by Ayan Mukherji, was released on Friday. After making headlines in the run-up to its release, the film whose pre-bookings opened nearly a week before release enjoyed the public’s favor. After a great start, the film business had continued to grow on the second day and more shows were added for the third day to meet audience demand.

Also in the overseas markets, where Brahmastra was released on 3,894 screens, making it one of the widest releases for a Bollywood film ever, the company of the film has registered staggering numbers. In fact, looking at the current trend with more screens and shows being added in the overseas market as well, trading forecasts claim Brahmastra looks like Ranbir Kapoor’s all-time highest opening weekend in the overseas markets. The film is expected to raise approx. 9 million USD in its opening weekend. Right now, Ranbir’s previous release, Ae Dil Hai Mushkil, is the actor’s highest opening weekend with collections of $7.73 million. Rocket Singh.

As of now, trade forecasts clearly indicate that Brahmastra’s unstoppable business will continue to grow over time. In fact, with little to no competition from other releases, Brahmastra’s overall business is expected to far exceed initial expectations.

More pages: Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Box Office Collection, Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Movie Review