Is Ellen Pompeo’s Limited Role a Good Thing?

The key to writing a good story is to always leave people wanting more. You never want readers/viewers to get bored and give up before you can bring your characters to satisfying conclusions. But when it comes to Grey’s Anatomy, the longest-running prime-time medical drama, that ship has sailed over multiple times. However, the creation of Shonda Rhimes about to start its 19th season should take credit for still achieving high ratings and generating a profit for ABC. It has stood the test of time going through one critically acclaimed and entertaining OTT show after another.

But many early fans of the show resonated with Cristina Yang, when the plane crashed in season eight, and she famously screamed in shock, “As soon as we get out of here, I’m fucking leaving Seattle Grace Mercy Dead!”


And one by one they have all disappeared over the years. Meredith Gray (Ellen Pompeo) was the only one left from the OG team MAGIC (Meredith, Alex, George, Izzie, Cristina). However, Pompeo is finally stopping, not quite yet, but this season she will have a more limited role, which might be a good thing.

Ellen Pompeo’s Limited Role in Season 19

Grey’s Anatomy premiered in 2005, the golden-haired, messy Meredith Gray walked into our lives. She came out of a dysfunctional family with the legacy of a gifted parent on her shoulders (at least at the time) with the cross that she was an only child. And she was one of a kind. But she’s been at it for two decades now.

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Although Meredith Gray was a part of their lives, most TV actors long for the beginning of their careers; after a point it can get annoying. Pompeo has often said that she wanted to run away, but for some reason she couldn’t. Even if she goes away from Grey’s little by little it will be interesting to see how she appears there in other corners of the fictional universe; and, most importantly, whether fans can see Pompeo as anyone other than Meredith Grey. Sandra Oh has done it with a lot of spice and all that spice.

Speaking of how she will always be part of Grey’sPompeo noted: Deadline:

“… listen, the new season is going to be fun. We have such a formula there and the fans know what to expect. You know, it’s going to be more of what we’re good at. Some laughter and some tears, and it’s I’m going to be fine without me. I’m still going to do the voiceover and anyone can come and see me on Hulu. Hopefully the fans will join me, I know there’s no guarantee of that. But I’ll put the same heart and passion into it. It are only eight small episodes so it won’t take up too much of your time And I’ll be back at Grey’s for the finale and we’ll see if we can keep it up I’ll always be a part of that show I’m an executive producer of that show, I spent two decades of my career on that show. It’s my heart and soul, and I’ll never really be gone as long as that show is on the air.”

The Many Faces of Meredith Gray

Over the many seasons, Gray has played many roles – ace surgeon, deranged sister, monster boss, unconventional but an absolute romantic at heart. Even for fans who have only kept up with the show sporadically in the later seasons, Meredith Gray has etched a space in their hearts that can’t be wiped out so easily. But this goodbye was long in coming. There has been speculation for some time now that Pompeo is leaving the show or that the show has been ending for a while.

While Pompeo will stay on as the show’s narrator – frankly, it would feel weird if every episode didn’t start with an introspective bit from Gray – but she won’t be appearing on the show as much in person. The baton has been handed over to a new batch of interns, whose makers hope they will carry the fire for years to come. The new cast includes Adelaide Kane, Harry Shum Jr., Alexis Floyd, Niko Terho and Midori Francis. Chandra Wilson and James Pickens Jr. will scrub back in as Bailey and Richard.

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In a recent interview, Pompeo said:

“We’re really trying to set it up for the next generation. I’m really excited for them, they’re all great actors, they’ve got a great attitude, and they’re really excited to be there, so we’re really excited to have them, and we’re just thankful that these kids wanted to jump in and they are very excited to be there and excited to tell these stories. So it helps to keep it fresh when there are new people. It helps all of us who have been there since the beginning, it helps keep it new and fresh. So we are very grateful to them and I think everyone is going to love them.”

How long can Grey’s Anatomy go on?

While no one really expects the magic of the original cast and characters to somehow be revived on the show, we’ll have to wait and see how the new cast, with their new stories, will keep the originals when the 19th season ends. from Grey’s Anatomy premieres on ABC and streams on Hulu next month, starting October 6, 2022. Maybe Season 20 will come too (because 19 would an odd number to leave things on), and who knows!

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