Pierce Brosnan says one thing took away the fear of singing in Mamma Mia!

Pierce Brosnan’s singing performance in popular musical film Mama Mia! quickly became legendary, though not necessarily for the best reasons. There’s certainly something to be said for an actor who goes out of his comfort zone to entertain, though, and it seems Brosnan wasn’t exactly sold on the daunting idea of ​​putting out a few tunes, but one thing was that made the whole experience less terrifying.

Pierce Brosnan joined Colin Firth and Stellan Skarsgard as one of three potential fathers to Sophie from Amanda Seyfried, and all three had the chance to show the world their singing abilities for better or for worse. While discussing the film with GQ recently, Brosnan revealed that it was the shared fear of his male co-stars that helped him get through the scenes, which included providing him with vocals for SOS, our last summer and When it’s all over. He said:


“It was terrifying to have to do these songs. And, you know, ‘SOS’ is such a battlehorse of a song. I think what gave me the greatest comfort on the day of recording these songs at Air Studios was seeing Stellan and Colin look like rabbits caught in the headlights. They were terrified, we were all terrified to sing.”

Related: Pierce Brosnan Says He Doesn’t Care Who Plays James Bond Next

Pierce Brosnan is not known for his musical roles

One thing’s for sure, Pierce Brosnan will never snag the top of the Billboard 100 charts, and that seems fine to him. Mama Mai! was already beyond the actor’s usual fringe, bringing him back to earlier roles in his career such as Mrs Doubtfire, but when you add in a few musical numbers, it’s not hard to see why Brosnan would be a little nervous. However, it seems that camaraderie between the cast members was enough to see them all and make the film one of the greatest music films ever. However, it seems that in addition to his role in the sequel, Brosnan will stick to more conventional roles in the future.

His next appearances are playing alongside Dwayne Johnson in DC’s Black Adam in October, in which he plays Doctor Fate, the head of the Justice League of America. Recently, Brosnan discussed the role, saying:

“I am the oldest of the group. I am sure he is one of the oldest characters in the pantheon of cartoon characters. He is an archaeologist. He has powers to foresee the future, raise the dead and teleport, while wearing a golden helmet. Absolutely yes [the helmet is essential]. It is a blessing and a curse. It’s almost like a drug addiction in some ways. Wearing the helmet takes a lot of energy. It was a very nicely designed outfit and helmet, which I really love.”

Brosnan already has The Rock’s backing when it comes to his role in Black Adam, with the former wrestler noting that Brosnan “is a force and really delivers.” While there have been many delays with the release of Black Adamfans will very soon finally have a chance to see for themselves how Brosnan’s performance plays out when the film releases on October 21.

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