Chris von Hoffmann discusses the inspiration for Devil’s Workshop and its star cast

Aspiring actor Clayton (Timothy Granaderos) is desperate for a role as a demonologist. He was called back after his first audition, but must find a competitive edge to beat Donald (Emile Hirsch), a more established actor who is also auditioning for the part. In an effort to stand out, Clayton enlists the help of Eliza (Radha Mitchell), an expert in diabolical knowledge. Together, they delve into the world of demonology, starting at the basics before moving on to dark rituals, and eventually progressing until Clayton is forced to face demons from his past and present.

Also in the cast Devil’s workshop are Sarah Coffey, Brooke Ramirez and Chris von Hoffmannwho also acted as a writer and director.


“I hope they feel a sense of unease,” Hoffmann said, and what he wants to keep viewers from watching. “Something is being put under a magnifying glass that, you know, you’re not alone. Hopefully it’s a love letter to creatives.”

Inspiration for Devil’s Workshop

Hoffmann has accumulated several credits as a writer and director, as well as several other roles in film, although he noted that Devil’s workshop was a way for him to return to his roots.

“I have a theater background and now most of my friends are actors. I studied acting in New York for a while and also in high school. So I’ve always had a little respect for the world of actors and how fascinating and also ridiculous it can be, with the jealousy of it all,” Hoffmann said, referring to the dynamics between competing actors in the film. my roots and wrote something really simple. I’ve made some features before that I’m definitely proud of, but they didn’t necessarily come from a personal place. They came out of more of my love for slasher movies and genre movies. I wanted something make it not really driven by violence or blood.”

Part of what floats Devil’s workshop is the ability to reference oneself and deliver humor in addition to the horror, the commentary being made and the explosive ending. That addition of humor is especially present when Hirsch is in the picture.

Related: Exclusive: Timothy Granaderos and Radha Mitchell at Devil’s Workshop

“The character Emile Hirsch plays is a bit like that person we all know. They are so good at promoting on social media, and as a political campaign worker on Twitter, they just know how to work. But if you read their script or look at their work, it’s mediocre. It just goes to show that unfortunately talent is only a very small percentage of what makes people successful… People can definitely get some satirical elements out of it, because it’s not a violent film.’

However, that does not mean that the humor in Devil’s workshop takes away the seriousness of the film. There is dynamism of mothers and sons in the film and gore in all the right places. The humorous elements mainly ensure that some satirical moments emerge.

The cast of Devil’s Workshop

The cast of Devil’s workshop have certainly done notable projects in the past, where Hirsch is widely known for In the wildernessGranaderos for 13 reasons whyand Mitchell for man on fire, between many more films in which they each played a leading role.

“Tim was attached to it for a while, so he really had a lot of time to prepare. Emile was softly attached for a few months, but we didn’t really get to talk about the character until a week before shooting… being able to perform as well as in the movie. “They are all professionals. I think they were all really planning to act weird. I think they all got it and had really smart ideas, which is always exciting when actors have ideas that they bring to the table. And they just cared… it was a quick shoot, and they understood the circumstances and everyone involved in this film was in it for all the right reasons.”

Hoffmann also had a small part in the film as Clayton’s agent who calls him on the phone to tell him about his callback, another way that Devil’s workshop allowed him to return to his roots, having previously studied acting and briefly returned to it.

Devil’s workshop comes to us from Lionsgate and is scheduled for release in select theaters, on demand and digitally on September 30, 2022, with subsequent release on Blu-ray and DVD on November 8.

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