6 Anime That Turned Boring Subjects Into Exciting Stories

It’s quite an achievement to turn an everyday and boring subject into a complex, well-developed storyline that keeps the viewer’s attention. Imagine finding joy in something like calligraphy or cleaning and organizing. These stories were so well received that they were turned from manga to anime almost immediately. This kind of anime excels at turning almost any mundane subject into compelling content. Whether it’s the voice acting, the script or the animation, nothing goes unused. Well, that’s exactly what this anime specializes in. A simple and seemingly boring story can have you on the edge of your seat excited. Let’s take a look at six anime that turn boring topics into exciting stories.


6/6 Clean freak! Aoyama-kun (2017)

You can’t get a plotline that deals with such contrasting themes as Clean freak! Aoyama-kuno. As the name suggests, the anime revolves around Aoyama-kun, a top athlete in his school, who has mysophobia. Aoyama is obsessed with cleanliness, but playing football, a sport where you often have to roll through the mud. It’s quite interesting to watch Aoyama balance his obsession with cleanliness while also playing his part on the pitch. The audience can see how Aoyama’s mysophobia can become an obstacle for him as he sometimes spends hours scrubbing the locker room instead of going to practice. Clean freak! Aoyama-kuno is quite heartwarming at times because the viewer can see the relationship between Aoyama and his teammates, and how they all love the former. Plus, the show is hilarious. Some episodes may leave audiences with tears in their eyes as they watch Aoyama spend an entire episode focusing mainly on how good washcloths smell.

5/6 Tanaka-kun is always listless (2016)

Tanaka-kun is always listless is an anime that is sure to surprise the audience. As the name suggests, the anime revolves around Tanaka, who spends most of his time doing as little as possible. The premise makes you wonder what else could possibly be about the anime if the main character doesn’t even want to move. Well, you’d be surprised how hilarious the anime can get. Tanaka can be lulled to sleep in any situation (yes, even situations where you would expect an adrenaline rush), leaving the audience in a fit of laughter at the ridiculousness of the situation. Plus, the show does a good job of highlighting how friends can come together to help others work through some of their dysfunctional personality traits.

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4/6 Barakamon (2014)

Calligraphy has quite a bit of historical importance, especially in Japanese culture. Though not many people would want to see an anime where the characters spent most of the time perfecting their brushstrokes. We will, barakamon will certainly make the public think about the earlier statement. barakamon revolves around Seishuu Handa, a man in his twenties who devoted his life to calligraphy. The overarching theme of the anime revolves around calligraphy, but it sheds light on Handa’s dysfunctional personality. From the start, the audience is shown that Handa is definitely dealing with some problems (if he is sent to a remote island to beat his calligraphy master is something to go by).

The anime tackles quite a few sensitive issues as Handa slowly learns how to take care of himself and others around him. The anime does a good job of balancing serious topics with more light-hearted ones. You can’t help but melt from the hyperactive Naru Kotoishi and her antics. barakamon also has a prequel spin-off called handa-kun, which is about Handa’s high school days. For those who can’t get enough of the hilarious anime, would definitely enjoy the prequel too. Many fans are even waiting for a well-deserved new season.

3/6 Silver Spoon (2013)

With the fast pace of modern life, it’s hard to imagine that an anime that revolves around farm life has much entertainment to offer. We will, Silver Spoon is here to prove those assumptions wrong. The anime revolves around Yugo Hachiken, who enrolls in an agricultural boarding school to learn how to maintain his family farm. The show teaches the audience quite a few lessons. Some are more sensitive than others. For example, the anime does a great job of portraying the unfair reality of having to give up on your dream, as seen in Hachiken’s classmate, Komaba, who has to give up on his dreams to pay off his late father’s debts. In addition, the anime sheds light on financial difficulties and coping with change. What makes Silver Spoon unique is that it does not drag its audience into a fantasy world; instead, the anime shows the audience an unfiltered version of our reality.

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2/6 One Punch Man (2015 – present)

Even those who are not that familiar with anime have probably heard of it Saitama or One Punch Man as popularly known. The anime revolves around Saitama, a superhero, who can win any battle with a single blow. The premise makes you wonder if there’s really room for suspense or excitement if the battle ends after a single hook. Despite the seemingly boring premise, the anime is actually hilarious. There are only a few episodes left and one can understand why the anime has gathered so many fans. Saitama’s power seems to know no limit, but his looks and personality are very different from your average hero. Saitama is a sucker and collects coupons as a hobby. The best thing about the show is that it uses all the cliche shonen tropes, but plays on it in such a way that the audience is amused or surprised (or a bit of both). Plus, the anime itself is beyond visually stunning.

1/6 Chihayafuru (2011-2013)

Many may be hearing about karuta for the first time, as the card game is quite old-fashioned and definitely an obscure hobby. The game requires players to memorize the positions and cards that contain lines from a popular Japanese anthology of poems. Chihayafuru follows Chihaya and her two close friends Arata and Taichi as the trio form a competitive karuta club at their high school.

While the overarching theme is that of karuta and the show has some analysis and gameplay strategy, the real emphasis of the anime is on the characters. Chihayafuru is a contrast to the usual fast-paced, explosive, fan-service-filled anime that have recently flooded the industry. Instead of, Chihayafuru has a fairly calming pace, giving each character plenty of room to develop. Take the lead role, Chihaya, for example; she is idealistic and naive, yet you can’t help but fall in love with her and admire her passion. This made it one of the most anticipated anime of the 2010s.

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