Mehmet Oz Roasts With His Words On Sex And Digestion In New John Fetterman Ad (Video)

In his latest campaign ad, Pennsylvania US Senate candidate, Lt. Gov. John Fetterman, spoke on his long-running talk show “Dr. Oz.”

And while, yes, a lot of it is out of context, it’s a useful reminder that the show was one of weird, and stupid things to get Oprah’s blessing. Honestly, did we ever need to see Oz tell some poor woman that her vagina is old? We didn’t.

The ad is crafted as if it was actually produced by Oz’s team, with a serious indication of how difficult things are for average people that Oz has said over the years. It’s somewhat similar to this clip that Jimmy Kimmel made last year after Oz announced his run, if you want to compare/contrast.

“In every part of the state, Pennsylvanians are struggling,” the ad narrator says over the grim-sounding music.

“The actual age of your vagina is… 73,” says Oz. a clip from 2011,

“Tough times…” the narrator continues.

“How many of you have penises that tilt to the left,” Oz asks in an undated clip from his show.

“…stronger leaders are needed,” the ad continues.

In the nearly decade-old clip, Oz says, “I’ll be the body, you’ll be the poop, and that’s our exit sign to get you out of here.”

“Leaders like Dr. Oz,” says the narrator.

“Your anus looks like your lips,” Oz says in another clip from the show.

“To rebuild America,” said the narrator.

“I made your own giant rectum for you, for the first time, on our show,” Oz says in yet another clip.

“Dr. Oz for the Senate,” the narrator says.

“I am Dr. Oz, and I accept this message,” Oz says in a clip taken from one of his actual campaign ads.

“Paid by Americans who thought it was a joke, but I think Dr. Oz is actually running for Senate. What the f—,” the narrator says.

Now watch the clip above.

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