A hilarious and insightful look at delusions

Mark Manson cuts through narcissism, entitlement and inflated self-esteem in a documentary adaptation of his bestseller.

The subtle art of not giving #@%! brings the best-selling book to the big screen as a refreshing and relevant documentary. Author Mark Manson shares his philosophical theory of the dangers of “positivity delusions.” He liberally drops f-bombs as he tells his life story intertwined with critical analysis of societal psychological malaise. Director Nathan Price keeps Manson in the foreground, but spices up the story with archive footage, newsreels, pop media and original animations. The result is a smart and insightful journey into the human condition. We’re not special and that’s okay.

Manson floats in a pool sipping a cocktail while an elderly man is being resuscitated in the background. Synchronized swimmers dance flirtatiously around him. Manson notes that “happiness is a problem”. Don’t worry, he’s not a doomsayer preaching negative tirades. Manson’s point is that we’ve been taught to embrace narcissism and entitlement. You are unique. No one else is like you. Feeling good about yourself is the definition of satisfaction. Manson, accompanied by humorous montages, begs to differ.


Fear of intimacy and commitment

The author tells of a troubled youth growing up in Texas. He was an outcast who used drugs and listened to heavy metal music. At the age of thirteen, he is arrested at school and saddens his beloved mother. Six months later, his parents divorced. He is alone, bullied and completely rudderless. What happens next turns him into a despicable person. His fear of intimacy and commitment spawns a repulsive trickster. He thrives on the flow of new experiences. Running away during a years-long global sojourn to hide uncomfortable truths about his personality.

Manson equates false luck with an algorithmic equation where a “carrot is always dangling.” Find a better job, earn more money, buy a lot of things and dreams will come true. Everyone sooner or later realizes that this is categorically false. Manson believes that true happiness comes from tackling and solving your problems. Humanity suffers from the same problems. He comically remarks that “99.9% of people suck at what they do.” Immersing yourself in false ideals of the “0.01%” on social media, TV and movies inevitably leads to crushing disappointment. Inflated self-esteem and self-esteem collapse when those impossible goals are never achieved.

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It’s not all anecdotal. Manson effectively uses historical examples and science to illustrate his views. My favorite is his exploration of heavy metal guitarist Dave Mustaine. He was a founding member of Metallica and was unceremoniously kicked out of the band after their first album. Mustaine would have incredible success with Megadeth. Millions of records sold and packed arenas for decades. But Megadeth was never as popular or respected as Metallica. Mustaine achieved his dream and was still unhappy. Manson coined the phrase “right to victimization.” You have everything. It’s still not enough.

Embrace problems and self-doubt

The Subtle Art Of Not Giving An F
Universal images

Price (The insider’s guide to love) does a great job at balancing the tone. The subtle art of not giving #@%! is humorous without offense. Manson doesn’t belittle anyone’s pain or fear. These are universal qualities that bind us all. His message is to thoughtfully embrace problems and self-doubt. Manson gets a little preachy, but makes a valid argument. Facing the ugly and negative leads to consistent change. What do you actually give a #@%! about has a lasting meaning.

The subtle art of not giving #@%! is a production of GFC/Fightertown, General Film Corporation and Ingenious Media. It is currently in limited theatrical release Universal images.

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