A jury has been selected in the Harvey Weinstein trial

The former film producer and convicted sex offender faces 11 charges over incidents allegedly taking place between 2004 and 2013.

A jury has been selected in Harvey Weinstein‘s rape trial after nearly two weeks of screening and jury interrogation, Variety reports. The disgraced film producer and convicted sex offender, 70, faces 11 charges as of Monday in Los Angeles, all related to incidents involving five women that allegedly took place between 2004 and 2013. The selected jury is made up of nine men and three women, with many jurors admitted they were ambivalent or lacking in opinion about the #MeToo movement — which was fueled in large part by allegations against Weinstein in 2017.

“I believe most women,” said a juror during the interrogation. “But not necessarily all.”


Another juror, whose daughter is a lawyer, told the defense that he has “great respect for both sides of the table and for our justice system.”

According to variety, nine jurors were released from court– among them a man who called the #MeToo movement “pointless and fraudulent” and a woman who claimed she had a problem with people being prosecuted for crimes over eight years old. Eight alternate jurors were chosen, five men and three women, although one of the jurors was later found to be unable.


New research shows that 5 years after #MeToo started, almost 70% are still victims of harassment and abuse

Defense says earthquake drill during proceedings is ‘attack on court’s dignity’

During Thursday morning’s jury selection, the court was subjected to a one-minute earthquake drill. Although the proceedings were only briefly interrupted, Weinstein’s lawyer is said to have “strongly objected” to the judge’s instruction to slump and cover their heads during the exercise.

“I will go to my grave with the memory of the day in the Harvey Weinstein trial when we had to put our hands over our heads like monkeys,” he told the judge, insisting it would be “undignified” and “infantilistic” in court and the defendant to “cringe” in front of the jury.

“A pinhead in the office of emergency preparedness has come up with a drill that makes no sense in this courtroom,” he added.

Judge Lisa B. Lench finally agreed that no one in the courtroom should take cover during the drill. Per Variety, nine sexual assault prosecutors will testify at Weinstein’s trial; actor Mel Gibson is also expected to testify.

Weinstein is currently serving a 23-year sentence for rape and awaiting his upcoming trial at the Twin Towers Correctional Facility in Los Angeles.

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