Apple Introduces Under Cover of Knight Original Podcast Series

EXCLUSIVE: Apple continues its efforts to create original podcast series.

The technology giant takes off Under the guise of a knighta series about a mysterious woman who lives in Athens, Texas.

Under the guise of a knight tells the story of Sue Knight, who was found dead in her home in 1996.

Her will named an acquaintance – Steve Barksdale – to be the executor of her estate, but after an alleged call from the CIA and a dire warning from the local sheriff, the executor stopped asking questions. More than 25 years later, Sue’s memory haunts the city of Athens and the people who knew her. Who was Sue really? Why did this English expat settle in a small town in Texas? And could she still be alive?

The series starts on June 12 with the first two episodes (you can hear a trailer below).

This is Apple’s latest original podcast and series The Line, Wild Things: Siegfried & Roy, Hooked And Project Unabom.

It is produced by Spoke Media, which is behind series like Power: The Maxwells And Wonderys Conditions.

You can listen to this Visual trailer here.

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