Best Stephen King Books and Stories Not Made into Movies

While Stephen King has been adapted into a wide variety of media, from movies and miniseries to TV shows and even audio dramas, there are still some King stories that still require you to pick up a good old book, at least for now. King has written over 65 novels and over 200 short stories, so there’s still a plethora of interesting ideas that haven’t been explored in adaptations, and these are arguably the most interesting.

The long walk

The Long Walk Stephen King
Simon & Schuster

Unlike many other Stephen King books and stories, The long walk would be a cheap movie to produce. Many young filmmakers dream of producing an indie version of this film for that very reason. Directing skills can be customized with little to no budget as all it really takes is a long road and great actors.


In the world of this short story, a rigid police state conducts a 700-kilometer walk where those who can’t keep up die and the first to finish in triumph wins a life of luxury. Released in 1979, the near future this novel is set in could very easily be today, making the political statement all the stronger. This production is one that could become a reality in the future, but for now it is bound to its pages.

Strawberry spring

Strawberry Spring Stephen King
Simon & Schuster

Strawberry spring is a short story by Stephen King and also a term referring to a false spring in late winter. While this story wasn’t produced in movie form, the audio drama was a strawberry spring of its own kind: a tease of potential that didn’t last long enough.

The original story debuted in a magazine with broad details that expanded and embellished the audio drama, but without the visual element it was unsatisfying. The amazing cast combined with King’s excellent ideas brought the story to life so much that listeners hope that the elusive killer Springheel Jack will one day make it to the big screen.

From a Buick 8

From a Buick 8
Simon & Schuster

While haunted cars are a common factor in Stephen King stories, this Buick has never seen the spotlight of the big screen. Maybe too similar to Christine This particular story of a self-repairing, person-damaging car, to be made into a movie, follows Ned, who mourns the loss of his father in a drunk driving accident. After making contact with his father’s colleagues at the state police barracks, he begins to think that the possessed car on the property has something to do with his father’s death. After this discovery, it becomes his mission to destroy this evil Buick.

Related: Stephen King’s Christine Remake: Plot, Cast, and Everything Else We Know

Like many of King’s stories, From a Buick 8 has been picked up and put down several times for a production deal. There are rumors of a 2023 film adaptation, but as similar ideas were teased in 2018 and 2019, skepticism remains until a trailer is released

Mile 81

Mile 81 Stephen King
Simon & Schuster

With ghostly cars fresh in mind, Mile 81 is about a station wagon at an abandoned rest area or a sentient and murderous alien disguised as a station wagon at an abandoned rest area. You’ll have to read the story to find out, as this chilling short story won’t be hitting theaters anytime soon. Mile 81 was picked up for production in 2019 but never progressed.


Stephen King book Joyland without movie download
Hard Case Crime

Differing from the sci-fi themes of many of Stephen King’s novels, Joyland is a mysterious crime story that would broaden the scope of his film collection. While it differs in content from King’s other work, like many others, this was intended to be made into a series, but never progressed beyond pre-production. If this were ever produced as a movie or series, it could open up the possibility for a small collection of Stephen King crime films, including Later and The Colorado Boy.

Duma key

Duma key
Simon & Schuster

Following the Stephen King trend, there have been several rumors over the years Duma key is turned into a movie. However, that is where most of the similarities end. This story explores grief, self-discovery, family drama, art and redemption, with just a hint of supernatural activity and psychological horror. Duma key would make an intriguing addition to the Stephen King film canon, as it would add a level of depth to his collection.

Gwendy’s Button Box

Gwendy's Button Box
The choice of the quarry

It’s a shock that Gwendy’s Button Box has not yet been a blockbuster. This novella follows a young girl who is presented with a mysterious box that offers gifts and trinkets as long as she never presses any of the colorful buttons. Along with how tempting temptation can be, this novella is part of a trilogy, which is perfect for the horror world.

The regulators

The Regulators Stephen King
Simon & Schuster

Written under King’s pseudonym, Richard Bachman, The regulators is set in an alternate reality for his novel and film Despairwhich would create an interesting juxtaposition if The regulators would be filmed. Overlapping cast members like Tom Skerritt and Ron Perlman would make this pseudo-sequel disorienting, and while there are discussions about making a movie, no casting decisions for the King adaptation have been announced yet.

Related: Stephen King’s The Regulators: What the Adaptation Needs to Get Right


Insomnia Stephen King
Simon & Schuster

is set in the same town where Pennywise hunts his victims, Derry, Maine, Insomnia is a great novel that has never had its day in the sun. Insomnia follows a grief-stricken widower who suffers from insomnia more and more every night until he can’t sleep at all. He begins to hallucinate and realizes that these visions and auras may actually be real. Unlike most Stephen King novels, there were never any plans and there are currently no plans Insomnia on the big screen.

Black House

Stephen King, the black house
Simon & Schuster

Although they are not part of a series, The talisman and Black House are loosely connected. With overlapping characters and settings around it would make sense that now that The talisman is being made into a Netflix series by Steven Spielberg and the Duffer Brothers, it’s only a matter of time before Black House follows example. Until then, read Black House together with The talisman or as a standalone; anyway, leave the lights on.

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