Bill Maher Blasted for Supporting Elon Musk’s Woke Mind Virus Theory

Elon Musk joined Bill Maher on HBO’s “Real Time” on Friday night and then — according to many people on social media — it went downhill from there, as the comedian/host gushed over the billionaire, repeatedly calling him ” Genius” and fully endorsed his theory behind the “Awakening Mind Virus”.

The exchange began with Maher telling the Twitter owner that he was “right on your page” when dealing with “the big issues and problems of civilization”, Twitter being one of them.

“You have spoken in really prophetic terms about this ‘woke mind virus’. You should explain why you do not find it an exaggeration to say things like ‘pushing civilization to suicide’. First of all let us know that the woke mind virus What is it? And if we don’t deal with it, there’s not much else that can be done,” Maher said.

“I think we need to be very cautious about anything that’s anti-merit and anything that results in the suppression of free speech,” Musk explained. “So, you know, there are two other aspects of the wok mind virus that I think are very dangerous, it’s anti-virtuosity. You can’t question things. Questioning is bad too. So, you know, a Another way… [it’s almost synonymous] With cancel culture.

Maher was clearly thrilled to have Kasturi in front of him — and “real time” viewers picked up on it, saying in various ways that Maher was “kissing.”

One person wrote, “No one can tongue a racist billionaire better than Bill Maher.”

“I almost vomited listening to Maher’s praise of Musk as Musk shoved Maher’s head up his ass. Bill Maher calls Elon Musk a likable guy in ‘exclusive ‘real time’ interview,” wrote another .

Bill Maher and Representative Katie Porter shred Piers Morgan for comparing ousted Tennessee legislators to January 6th protesters (VIDEO)

Here are a few others that fell below Maher’s belt:

I saw Bill Maher interview Elon Musk last night and all I could think was, “Damn, Bill Maher sure is good at kissing ass, and Elon Musk sure is good at spreading his bullshit, right-wing propaganda.”

The left side of the wok has a bad effect on movies and TV shows. The right leads to anti-discrimination laws banning free speech in schools and prohibiting disadvantageous treatment of diverse groups. Bill Maher with Elon Musk is naturally cool as he licks shoes.

Bill Maher Calls on Atheists to Have a 'Cosmic Personal Day Where the World Revolves Around Them' — Like Easter (Video)

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