Black Adam was initially rated as R . according to the producers

Black Adam is known for being violent and executing his enemies in his own form of justice. This is a stark contrast to most heroes, as characters like Batman and Superman go to great lengths to avoid deliberate casualties. However, Dwayne Johnson’s titular character is far from your average hero, which is what comic book fans have come to expect.

During an interview with Colliderproducers Beau Flynn and Hiram Garcia discuss the upcoming DCEU movie and reveal how Black Adam initially received an R rating from the MPAA. The crew wanted an accurate representation of the source material, which contains a lot of violence.

“We really wanted to make sure we were honoring Black Adam’s character. One of the things he’s known for is his aggression and violence, and to make a Black Adam movie that didn’t have that would just have not been authentic. So we always went into this, knowing that we would go as far as we did. We knew it was going to be a collaborative process with the MPAA to eventually get to the point where we could get that rating, but we were able to make it happen. But it was really important for us to do that. And that’s also something Dwayne was very committed to.”

Of course, the hope for a PG-13 rating is no surprise, because Black Adam rumor has it that it has a budget reaching the $200 million mark. Warner Bros. wants as many people as possible to see the movie, which forced a few montages regarding the more brutal scenes.


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Black Adam Producers say they didn’t delete any scenes

Despite the early R rating, Flynn and Garcia say they haven’t compromised their vision. The film required heavy editing to eliminate some of Johnson’s character’s gruesome murders, but they kept every scene they deemed essential to the film. During their Collider interview, they talked about lowering the rating while preserving the incredible moments.

“We actually had to make a lot of edits. There are some personal moments that we really love, but we had to let them go. But we never made concessions, we never had to cut a scene. We had some really cool moments, and if you notice there are some great moments when black adam is in pursuit of the flying bike and drops one of the soldiers from the intergang then there is this great moment when the truck bounces over a body but that are moments that you need and you remember in these movies you know what i mean you can’t play it safe and you have to go for it and i think we have four or five at one point we had there were about ten, and we were able to compromise on that with the MPAA.”

Black Adam is almost ready for release, with the first batch of reviews pouring in last week. So far, fans seem to be enamored with the action-packed movie, calling the film a spectacle of impressive set pieces, with Johnson being born to play the titular role. Fans can see the highly anticipated DCEU movie when Black Adam arrives in theaters on October 21.

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