The Ayan Mukherji director Brahmastra which appeared on the screens yesterday, has lived up to expectations. After enjoying a great rate for reservations, Ranbir Kapoor’s star player – Alia Bhatt saw a huge appreciation from the public. The film, which also stars Amitabh Bachchan, Nagarjuna and Mouni Roy, even managed to become one of the biggest opening days of the year.

According to reports, the film has managed to rake in a whopping Rs. 75 cr. gross worldwide on day 1. But to make it even bigger is the fact that the film’s second day has seen a nearly 10% increase from day one. In fact, the film has exceeded Rs. 100 kr. mark in just under two days at the worldwide box office.

Currently, Brahmashtra featuring guest appearances by Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone, released on 8,913 screens around the world, was one of the widest releases for a Bollywood film. In fact, in the domestic market Brahmastra released on 5,019 screens, while the film reached 3,894 screens in the overseas markets. Given this wide release and the incredible trending Brahmastra enjoy trading forecasts state that the film’s business will certainly continue to grow.

More pages: Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Box Office Collection, Brahmastra – Part One: Shiva Movie Review