Chris Hayes Urges Journalists ‘Not to Collude’ With Republican Climate Deniers (VIDEO)

On Friday’s episode of “All In With Chris Hayes,” the MSNBC host took aim at the ongoing debt ceiling battle, and specifically how Republicans are dealing with the climate on its threat to drive the United States into default. are trying to use. Change.

But while Hayes had harsh words for the GOP, he also drew attention to the way the media has been covering the debt ceiling crisis, urging reporters to “not collude” with Republicans in climate change denial.

Hayes begins the segment by talking about the latest terrifying example of how climate change is making the world more dangerous: the unseasonal and unusually extreme wildfires currently raging in the Canadian wilderness. sending massive amounts of smoke into the United States, He also touched on some recent bad news – that scientific project we will raise global temperature For a possible climate change tipping point by 2027.

From here, Hayes notes how this growing crisis is “completely and utterly absent and ignored” by all the Republican candidates for the 2024 nomination. “Republicans don’t care, really don’t care if we melt the earth,” Hayes said. And from there he linked it to the debt ceiling fight.

Hayes noted the various successes of the Inflation Reduction Act, supported by President Joe Biden, which included a significant amount of policy changes related to climate change.

“Demand for tax credits for things like wind, and solar projects, and electric cars has exceeded projections. We are seeing real progress on the energy transition for the first time. Sales of energy-efficient heat pumps are now replacing traditional fossil fuel furnaces in people’s homes. We’re about to see a huge leap in the use of hydrogen for industrial purposes, which is a game changer,” Hayes said.

But, Hayes continued, the problem of climate change “simply doesn’t exist” for Republicans.

“Instead, what they do is go to bat on behalf of fossil fuel companies to try to destroy the energy transition. That’s what they’re doing right now,” he said in a screenshot of the news report, titled Was “Republicans take aim at Biden’s climate plan in debt limit fightappeared onscreen.

“In this fight over the debt ceiling, his demands to repeal most of the new tax credits that make energy cheaper and cleaner, and to allow more drilling for fossil fuels, are part of the domestic negotiators’ demands, who briefly stalled the debt ceiling today’s conversation to gain more leverage over the White House,” Hayes said.

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And then he turned his attention to how journalists are covering the debt ceiling fight: “Most importantly for positioning and planning the most pressing challenge in the world, Republicans have succeeded in being completely invisible in the numbers.” There is a political contest in the country and I guess what I would say is that I would urge fellow journalists, especially political and propaganda journalists, not to collude in that era.

Watch the full clip above.

Meanwhile, for those who aren’t up to speed, the debt ceiling refers to a limit created by Congress in 1917 on how much national debt the US Treasury is allowed to have – which in turn affects how much existing loan payment can be made. definitely a violation Did Full Faith and Credit Clause of the US ConstitutionThe rule requires Congress to authorize an increase each calendar year.

For most of its history the ceiling was raised every year without incident. But beginning in 1995, whenever Republicans took control of the House of Representatives during a Democratic presidency, they routinely threatened to close unless Democrats agreed to a rotating suite of right-wing demands. Till then they will allow the country to default on its debts. Of course what is happening now.

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