CNN This Morning on why Dianne Feinstein should resign

A Day after tweeting that California Senator Dianne Feinstein should resign from her position, saying “she can no longer fulfill her duties,” Democratic Representative Ro Khanna for the state discusses on “CNN This Morning” with Don Lemon A stand for why now is the time to do so.

“It has become painfully clear to many of us in California that he is no longer able to perform his duties because he does not have a clear return date,” Khanna said. Absence from Senate following shingles diagnosis. “We are not going to be able to confirm judges at a time where women’s rights and the right to vote are under attack.”

There have been growing calls for Feinstein’s resignation after she missed 58 Senate votes since her February absence. and her battle with herpes has exacerbated pre-existing concerns for her health as she demonstrated increasing memory and cognitive issues over the last year. Earlier, Feinstein and her team had said she would serve her current term but would not seek re-election in 2024.

Khanna tweeted on Wednesday, “We need to put the country before personal loyalty. While she has had a lifetime of public service, it is clear that she can no longer fulfill her duties. Not speaking up lowers our credibility as elected representatives of the people.”

He expanded on those thoughts on Thursday.

“First let me just say this: I have the utmost respect for Senator Dianne Feinstein. She’s had an extraordinary career in public service, she’s been an icon on gun violence and women’s rights issues,” Khanna said. “The reason we haven’t been able to move these judges is because Senator Feinstein is not there.” , And so as someone from California, I feel an obligation to say what so many colleagues are saying in private, that the time has come for him to gracefully step down and end a very distinguished political career. Have a dignified end.

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On Wednesday night, the senator pushed back against calls for his resignation, but requested a temporary replacement on the Judiciary Committee so judge nominations could break a tied vote in the Senate and move forward.

“I understand that my absence may delay the important work of the Judiciary Committee,” Feinstein said in a statement Wednesday night. “That’s why I have asked Leader Schumer to ask the Senate to allow another Democratic senator to serve temporarily until I am able to resume my committee work.”

Schumer is expected to make the request to the Senate next week. But Khanna, who was later supported by another House Democrat, Rep. Dean Phillips, said resignation was the only solution.

“It’s a step, but as described, it’s not going to be that easy,” Khanna told Lemon about the proposed Judiciary Committee replacement effort. “Any senator, Republican senator, can object to that. Sen. Schumer has done the right thing, he’s said he’ll try to do it in the Senate, but we’ll have to see if it’s possible. And I think So my question is this: why not just step up and resign instead of going through all these motions. But I would say it’s constructive. The most important issue is that we can get our judges confirmed.

Watch the full interview on “CNN This Morning” in the video above.

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