Colbert jokes calling pandemic ‘first time Joe Biden ever moved too fast’ (VIDEO)

On Tuesday’s “The Late Show,” Stephen Colbert took issue with President Joe Biden’s recent announcement that the COVID-19 pandemic is “over.” Colbert said it was a bit premature, joking that it “is the first time that Joe Biden has ever moved too fast.” Zing.

Biden’s remarks came during a “60 Minutes” interview on Sunday, When he partly said, “We still have a problem with COVID. We are still working a lot on this. But the pandemic is over. Mind you, no one is wearing a mask. Everyone seems to be in great shape, and so I think that’s changing.”

During his monologue, Colbert picked it up, and continued after joking about how slow Biden moves. “Biden’s announcement took the White House by surprise and now they’re trying to backtrack by saying, ‘Sure the president could have been more nuanced, but he was just saying we entered a different phase. Is.”

“Well, saying something’s over is a misleading way to announce a new phase. ‘Carol, it’s over! I can’t date you anymore. Because I want to marry you,’ Mei. I’m asking for it,” joked Colbert. “Stop crying, it’s a new phase!”

Of course that was not the only point Colbert raised. He kicked off the monologue with a few jokes about Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who he jokingly said is a bodybuilder “who always leaves a head day”, because, Colbert implied, the bodybuilder of DeSantis. Has a small head relative to size.

He also joked about an awkward moment during Australian coverage of the funeral of the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Queen Elizabeth when news presenters did not recognize him. Colbert quipped that as far as he knows, Wolverine (played by Australian actor Hugh Jackman) is the prime minister of that country.

Colbert also took a look at the race for the US Senate in Georgia and keeps telling many of the weirdest lies Republican candidate Herschel Walker has to say. He also talked about an unbelievably cringe political ad in Utah, where a Republican State Senate candidate performed a really awesome rap song. Of course, Colbert wishes he had recorded more music.

You can watch the full monologue above.

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