‘Danger!’ Roasts George Santos by giving the correct answer

“Jeopardy! Masters” host and all-time winning leader Ken Jennings had some fun with one of the correct responses on Wednesday’s episode, thanks to the show’s cheeky decision to focus it on a very famous, scandal-plagued member of Congress.

During the episode, one of the answers in the category “Recent Events” read, “Subtitled in an excerpt on The NY Rep: ‘Lied about where he went to … college’; ‘Allegedly a disabled vet. Whose dog was dying.'”

The right question, of course, pertains to the notorious serial liar from New York: “Who is George Santos?” And it was contestant Mattia Roach who gave it to Jennings.

In a tone that implied he had waited all night to drop the line, Jennings replied, “I don’t have much to say, but George Santos is right.” Get laughs and applause from the contestants and the studio audience.

Check out the video above.

For those who are not aware, Santos has misrepresented almost all of his resume, from his education to his work history to his ethnicity and religion. he even Falsely claimed that his mother died on 9/11, So yes, Jennings is right: it’s a little rare for Santos to be right.

Santos was Was accused by the US government earlier this month with 13 counts of fraud, money laundering, theft of public funds and yes, making false statements. On Wednesday, Santos secured three unnamed guarantors for his $500,000 release bond, according to bloomberg, Way to be topical, “Crisis!”

George Santos buried a compelling real immigrant story under his lies, says CBS News correspondent Caitlin Huey-Burns

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