Danny Masterson’s prosecution witnesses concluded the same thing from different accusers’ stories: that was rape.

A pair of prosecutors at the Danny Masterson criminal rape trial testified separately Friday that when they heard the charges against the “That ’70s Show” star from two separate accusers, they immediately thought they had What I heard was rape.

One such witness was Cedric B., husband of third Jane Doe, known in court as CB. He said that after being married for a few years, CB told him what happened between him and Masterson in December 2001.

When she was telling her story, “She looked … it looked like she was remote controlled,” Cedric B. told LAPD detectives.

Deputy District Attorney Ariel Anson asked Cedric B. what that meant.

“That’s what she meant when she was describing their relationship” [with Masterson] And a certain event, she was holding back,” he said. “She wasn’t necessarily coming out about everything. She seemed intimidated.”

Anson then asked how Cedric B.’s reaction was to his account.

“I told him she was raped,” she said.

Scientology was briefly revisited: While Cedric B. is not a Scientologist, he admitted to taking a Scientology course around 2010. The three are plaintiffs in a separate civil lawsuit against Jane Doe Masterson and the Church of Scientology, who they say have been involved in a “terrorist campaign” to silence them; The lawsuit seeks an injunction against troubling activities as well as unspecified monetary damages.

“You are involved in a pending civil lawsuit,” Cohen said. “Are you seeking monetary damages in that lawsuit? Cedric B. replied that he was.

The defense is determined to portray Zhen Do’s trio as confirmation for financial gain. Sebi, safe during her gruesome testimony, got emotional on Thursday when she spoke about the persecution at the hands of her former church.

Her husband’s answer to Cohen’s money questions confirmed this notion: “When you sue for the peace it costs money, doesn’t it?” They said.

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Afternoon’s testimony returned to a June 2004 police report filed by Jane Doe 1, better known as JB, because Detective Deborah Myers was called to the stand by prosecutors. Myers interviewed JB on 8 June 2004, two days after Officer Alexander Schlegel interviewed JB at a Hollywood station and dropped an injury report.

“When I read the injury report,” she said, “it read like a crime report for rape. I felt I should investigate it as a possible sexual assault.”

Myers corroborated a large portion of JB’s testimony regarding the alleged assault of April 25, 2003, in which JB believed at the time that the sex was consensual, that he had brought a letter and reported it. was attached, and its ethics officer in the Church of Scientology – Julian Swartz – was listed as someone JB had talked about the incident.

Myers said she had been in touch with Swartz but was “unable” to interview him.

Upon cross-examination, Defense Attorney Karen Goldstein noted discrepancies between JB’s court testimony and his police report. Myers confirmed that JB never mentioned that Masterson had drawn the gun; Goldstein also kept on repeating that JB called out sexual consent, to which Meier agreed.

Goldstein asked JB about her testimony that Masterson entered her anus and did not apologize until months later. Myers reports that his penis did not actually go inside her, that he either touched it or brushed against her anus, that Masterson immediately pulled over and apologized, and that JB called the encounter “accidental”. referred to as.

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With prosecutors’ vocal objections, Goldstein managed to learn from Myers that the district attorney’s office never filed charges against Masterson, that he decided not to pursue the case.

Upon redirection, attorney Reinhold Mueller argued that it was a scheduling issue, not a lack of evidence, that saw the DA’s office unable to file charges. JB had time to meet with prosecutors on June 22 to discuss whether charges would be filed, but was unable to appear.

“did [JB] Tell you why she can’t take the meeting?” Mueller asked Myers.

“She thought she was contagious and was taking antibiotics and she wouldn’t be available for three days,” Myers replied. Myers also clarified that the DA has to be interviewed by June 24, as she was on leave after that.

The session concluded with the resumption of the court the following Wednesday.

Masterson, who appeared in court daily with his family and wife Bijou Phillips, has denied all wrongdoing. If found guilty, he could face up to 45 years in prison.

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