‘Doctor Who’ Dazzles – And Confuses – Fans With Jodie Whitaker’s Nostalgia-Stuffed Finale

Warning: Latest Episode of “Doctor Who” Contains Spoilers

“Can someone tell me what’s going on?” Upcoming ‘Doctor Who’ star says in a trailer for Nakuti Gatawa Next year’s series premiere, After watching “The Power of the Doctor,” it would be hard to find any “Who” fan who doesn’t feel the same way.

Broadcast on the BBC on Sunday, “The Power of the Doctor” was advertised as a sendoff for the Thirteenth Doctor, Jodie Whitaker, after four years in the role. But it was also overloaded with cameos from previous doctors and companions, with the special broadcast as part of the BBC’s 100th anniversary celebrations.

As advertised, we got Sophie Aldredge and Janet Fielding return as ’80s “Who” fellows Ace and Teigen, but we also got cameos four last doctor. Doctor Numbers five to eight – Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann – all appeared as part of the Doctor’s mind just before his ascension with David Bradley, who had previously served as the First Doctor for the late William Hartnell. had worked in The series’ final regeneration episode, “Twice Upon a Time,” in 2017.

Davison and McCoy’s Doctor is also reunited with Tegan and Ace, when he’s not around, as a guide to companions in the form of holographic versions of themselves created by the TARDIS from centuries of data from the Doctors. As well as helping him combat the Daleks and the Cybermen, the Hologram allows both companions to somewhat close their time with the Doctor, especially considering that both felt like they were forgotten by the Time Lord. because they never reached either of them. After saying goodbye to them.

“You think you’re gone and I never thought of you again?” asks Davison’s doctor. “I never forget any of you. I remember everything.”

But the episode’s biggest setback came at the end, when after saying goodbye to his teammates that he spent time in person, the Thirteenth Doctor said “Tag, you’re it” and was revived. But instead of turning into Nakuti Gatwa, he turned into a doctor.

David Tennant.

Yes, it looks like when Russell T. Davis, the first showrunner of the “Doctor Who” revival, returns to the show next season, he’ll start with the actor who played the Doctor for most of his tenure. As the Tenth Doctor, Tennant propelled “Who” to never-before-seen levels of popularity before departing in 2010, re-appearing with Matt Smith for the show’s 50th anniversary special in 2013. with.

But what’s even more complicated is that Tennant isn’t playing the Tenth Doctor, according to Davis. He plays the Fourteenth Doctor, and when it comes time for Gatwa to take over, he will be the Fifteenth Doctor.

“The path to the Fifteenth Doctor of Ncuti is full of mystery, horror, robots, puppets, danger and fun!” teased Davis in a statement. “We’re giving you a year to guess, and then everything breaks loose!”

In fact, it won’t be until November 2023 that the 60th anniversary special of Doctor Who will air again with Tennant featuring former “Who” co-star Katherine Tate, who played beloved partner Donna Noble in the late 2000s. Thie, played by Neil Patrick Harris, to cast a new villain.

But for now, it looks like fans of “Who” are just processing what they’ve just seen. While all of the cameos delighted longtime viewers, others were critical of the relentless, confusing pacing of the episode’s plot, a common criticism of writer Chris Chibnall during his longer tenure as showrunner. With the Doctor and friends zipping around the planet and into dimensions to stop the Daleks and the Cybermen, they didn’t have time to breathe during this highly packed finale.

Here’s a look at some of the reactions on social media:

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