Every Eternal Being in the Series, Explained

One of the most thought-provoking animated series, Adventure Time introduces the audience to a large number of evolved creatures. Humans are virtually extinct, just like in the modern world. While many animated shows have religious or political overtones, these concepts are different Adventure Time. For example, the idea of ​​religion is more of a philosophical matter. While politics thrive in the Land of Ooo, corruption is minimal.

Narrative shifts like the above bring in cosmic entities and eternal beings instead of gods and politicians. Characters like Prismo and the Cosmic Owl are guardians of life, sometimes appearing in dreams, but never revealing secrets. Grob Gob Glob Grod and Abraham Lincoln are the rulers of Mars who know about the goings-on on Earth only through their infinite knowledge. Although politicians such as the rulers of Mars and Princess Bubblegum are eternal beings who can experience reincarnation.

16 Prism

Kumal Nanjiani & John DiMaggio in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

One of Jake’s friends, Prism, is the result of a man’s dream. He lives in a yellow cube that floats out of time. He grants wishes with a twist. For example, if someone wished no harm, as Finn did, it would place him in a world without magic. Prismo cannot interfere with reality, but he can observe it from his room.

15 Cosmic owl

Tom Kenny & Jeremy Shada in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

The Cosmic owl is a friend of Prismo. He appears in dreams as an important omen. Although it is up to the dreamer to find out why the Cosmic Owl appeared. He can also appear in astral projections, such as when Ice King floated through the universe, or in Prismo’s room. When he appears, he cannot intervene.

14 The Lich/Sweet Pea

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In the Land of Ooo, evil is both scarce and otherworldly. The Lich is the embodiment of evil. He can own anything, like a snail or Billy. While he cannot be killed, he can take on a new form. While trying to escape The Citadel, Finn discovers that the mess will turn The Lich into SweetPea.

13 princess gum

princess gum
Cartoon network

By means of Adventure Time, many eternal beings exist and they are usually all bad or all good. Yet princess gum is on the fence and quite polarizing among those in the Land of Ooo. Citizens who dislike her have legitimate reasons, such as her spying on the candy people. While those who like her don’t see her as a threat.

Related: Adventure Time: 6 Times Princess Bubblegum Was The Real Villain

12 Elementals

Lauren Lapkus, Hynden Walch, Maria Bamford and Jessica DiCicco in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

The Land of Ooo is the result of evolution after the Great Mushroom War. But the four entities that have seen the world through its ups and downs are The Elementals. In the Land of Ooo, the four main elements are candy, slime, fire, and ice. Each entity comes in different forms after the Catalyst Comet, but the Mushroom War came before the Comet.


Tom Kenny, Jeremy Shada, John DiMaggio, Hynden Welch and Olivia Olson in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

Another entity that is purely evil is GOLB. He exists in an unknown dimension and is nearly impossible to find or summon. When GOLB appears, all life is in danger and all harmony disappears. GOLB is the reason Magic Man’s wife Margles died. Although he cannot die, due to a wish from Betty, GOLB and Betty merged into one being.

10 Grob Gob Glob Grod

Tom Kenny, Tom Gammill, Melissa Villasenor and Miguel Ferrer in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

Being the four-headed rulers of Mars and brothers of Magic Man Grob Gob Glob and Grod. Leading Mars, they banish their own brother to Earth for 200 years for torturing the people of Mars. To protect the universe and allow Earth to undergo the Catalyst Comet’s changes, they also banish Orgalorg to Earth when it attempts to absorb the comet. Unlike other comic book entities, they can distort reality as long as it benefits Martians or Earthlings.

9 magical man

Tom Kenny in Adventure Time
Warner Bros

The younger brother of Grob Gob Glob and Grod, magical man uses his abilities for sadistic purposes. Before he was banished to Earth, he used magic to make everyone bald. During his time on Earth, he transformed the people of Ooo into various body parts and teamed up with Betty to save Ice King. He lost his powers to Betty and became Normal Man.

Related: Adventure Time: The Greatest Rivalries, Explained

8 Party god

Cole Sanchez in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

If a character is the worst, then it is Party god. He is a levitating wolf head who wears a backwards baseball cap for the sole purpose of partying party god is the essential bro like GK outlines. He makes a few small appearances in Adventure Time, but his two big appearances show he’s not exactly favorable.

7 Dead

Miguel Ferrer in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

As ruler of the Land of the Dead, Dead resembles a figure from the Old West. Throughout entertainment history, Death has been represented in a variety of ways. Usually the Grim Reaper represents or is Death. In Adventure Time, Death and his realm can be visited by the living. He’s not scary like in other renditions; he is gardening after all.

6 To live

Hynden Walch in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

A pair of serpents coiled around each other, To live has a relationship with Death and their son’s mother, New Death. Although she is two serpents, she brings life wherever she goes, which goes around the world with some symbolism. Animal informant describes how snakes are a symbol of rebirth and renewal. Since Life is two shades of green, the color of growth, her appearance corresponds to various symbols of life.

5 Mister Fox / Mister Death

Tom Herpich in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

Foxes are often characterized as solitary animals that are shy and avoid others. The character of Mr. Fox-in Adventure Time matches this characterization as he lives alone in a small house away from others in Ooo. He becomes Mr. Death after New Death dies. In his new eternal guise, he wears a bathrobe and carries a pillow.

4 Abraham Lincoln

Pendleton Ward in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

On the planet Mars, two entities rule: Grob Gob Grod and Glob Abraham Lincoln. The King of Mars, who looks the same as the 16th President of the United States, sits on a stone throne, also imitating the Lincoln Memorial in Washington DC. As King of Mars, he witnessed an attempt by Orgalorg to swallow the Catalyst Comet. He gave up his life to save Jake by turning to stone, thus completing the tribute to the former US president.

3 Organorg

Tom Kenny in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

On a distant planet, an older generation lives in fear of a terrifying god named Organorg. It is said that he punishes teenagers who sneak around to make love. When he tries to eat the Catalyst Comet, Grob Gob Glob Grod intervenes and he is banished to Earth. He takes the form of a penguin and is adopted by Ice King and given the name Gunter.

2 Catalyst Comet

Tig Nataro in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

Every thousand years, the Catalyst Comet collides with the earth and brings about change. The comet is a sentient being, as Finn discovers. Floating in space, Comet Finn shows its past in its entirety. He remembers being the comet at one point.

1 Hunson Abadeer

John DiMaggio, Olivia Olson, Martin Olson and Jeremy Shada in Adventure Time
Cartoon network

Marceline’s father is a demon, in fact the demon who leads all demons. Hunson Abadeer is somewhat of a sadist, although he is also the ultimate embarrassing father. Although he is an eternal entity, he desperately wants Marceline to take over the family business. If he’s been in Ooo, he’s sucked up souls or embarrassed Marceline enough to retreat into solitude.

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