Final performance of “Snowfall” by Damson Idris in episode 10 of season 6


THE SHOW | Snowfall

THE EPISODE | “The Struggle” (April 19, 2023)

THE PERFORMANCE | Idris has always impressed as Snowfallthe complex protagonist of Franklin Saint, but his raw and deeply unsettling final turn in Wednesday’s series finale left us utterly devastated. And sing his praises.

“The Struggle” found Franklin grappling with the terrifying reality that the money he so desperately needed, and even killed for, was truly gone. We didn’t expect a happy ending for the drug kingpin – he built his empire on cocaine and murder, after all – but we were totally unprepared for the angst of watching him unravel. until he’s just a shell of himself.

The anguish Franklin felt when he realized his mother wouldn’t help him, unleashing a fury of obscenities, hitting like a freight train. The callousness with which he shot an innocent man in the back for the modest sum of $12,000 chilled us to the bone. However, the moment that broke us was when Franklin simply gave up, falling into isolation and misery as the bills went unpaid. While his face remained much the same, Franklin was barely recognizable in the show’s final moments, and it speaks to Idris’ searing portrayal of a broken man at the end of his stunning but inevitable downfall.

“I’m free,” Franklin said through a hollow smile. His feigned contentment was a bitter reminder of broken promises, especially as we were left with the depressing final image of the former crime boss now destitute and wandering aimlessly through the neighborhood he once ruled. In the end, Franklin deserved his sad fate, just as Idris deserves loud and clear recognition for his moving and truly exceptional work bringing this gripping coming of age story to an end.

Scroll down to see who scored honorable mentions this week…

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