The Gujarati movie Fakt Mahilao Maate with Amitabh Bachchan hit screens last week on Friday. The regional film that saw little promotion and limited screens faced competition from the regular Bollywood release Thu Baara. Despite this huge hurdle Fakt Mahilao Maate has done good business. After a good opening, the film, which has received a positive response from the public, has seen its collections grow. Also in the overseas markets Fakt Mahilao Maate has gone well.

In fact, at the North American box office, Fakt Mahilao Maate has managed to pull Rs. 26.80 lakhs during the opening weekend alone. With Rs. 6.87 lakhs come from the US and another Rs. 19.93 lakhs coming in from the Canadian market, Fakt Mahilao Maate seems to have been well received by the public. Interestingly, in both locations viz. US and Canada, the film saw a limited release across just 26 and 12 screens respectively.

Given the current box office trend, the company is Fakt Mahilao Maate enjoy coupled with the fact that other mainstream Bollywood releases are not doing well, predictions predict that the film business will continue to grow. In fact, trade estimates state that: Fakt Mahilao Maate could see his collections overshadow the other Bollywood release Thu Baaradespite the latter enjoying a greater range and number of screens.