It’s all about making the warmth sexy

Bill Maher’s role on the year’s biggest box office hit, “Top Gun: Maverick,” hasn’t been met by fans and critics alike. Instead of praising, he calls the mega-hit “a two-hour promotional ad for defense contractors, militarists, linguists and bombing aliens.”

In Friday night’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO, the host-comedian not only pointed out the theme of the film but also film critics, “who find every film to be somehow lacking in awakening credentials” but that it fail to see what he sees. Tom Cruise movie.

“Every other film that comes out, all made for liberals by liberals, with blatant liberal intent, falls short. If the film is about poverty, the director was not poor enough to understand it. If it’s about being gay, it’s not gay enough,” he said. “Don’t even try to sidestep white-washing, colorism, white supremacism. No amount of virtuous sign is ever virtuous enough, but somehow 96% of film critics love “Top Gun” just as a Catholic priest prefers Slipaway Camp. ,

After patting his hat to Cruise, whom he calls “a distressed reliably entertaining movie star” who sometimes feels he “has something to Scientology,” Maher tries to make his point about the film. Is.

“If you’re a film critic and you’re making it your life’s mission to root out the extraneous liberalism in cinema, haven’t you noticed that ‘Top Gun’ is so much about making hotness sexy? ” He asked. “Weapon porn, endless money shots of engines, burning jet fuel, big D-energy. Aircraft carriers dancing in the mist of the sun, to the grotesquely manly voice… Kenny Loggins?”

Maher adds that if the US military were a country, “its fuel use alone would make it the 47th largest emitter of greenhouse gases and gases in the world. Our military is the world’s largest consumer of petroleum.”

“Think about it,” he said. “Next time you’re watching the flyover, how are we destroying the world to save it.”

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And then there’s the unnamed “enemies” that are fighting alongside “Top Gun” fighters, called “enemies”.

“We do not name them; We never see their faces; We don’t listen to them. who are they? It is not important,” he said, brushing it off. “We don’t know who we’re bombing and we don’t care. ‘We’re bombing someone. Awesome!’

He went on: “Whose ass we’re kicking needs to know the basis. God bless America and death, to whom it may concern. Sorry, enemy. it’s not about you. It’s about us. We have Tom Cruise and you don’t. This ad is a measuring competition and it doesn’t matter who owns the other d. As long as ours is long. ,

You can watch Maher’s entire New Rules segment in the clip at the top.

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