Jeremy Sisto’s ‘FBI’ Performance in Season 5, Episode 3



THE EPISODE | “Prodigal Son” (October 4, 2022)

PERFORMANCE | Amid threat of school shooting that hit way too close to home, Jubal Valentine this week had to juggle his roles as lawyer, father and ex-husband – and Sisto made you feel like the usually cool Assistant Special Agent in Charge was on the spot. point of becoming uncontrollable.

On the work front, Jubal and the team did their best, investigating a theft of dozens of weapons. But once Jubal learned that one of the culprits attended his son Tyler’s private school, the case took on added weight. This scholastic tie led Jubal to question Tyler (Caleb Reese Paul) about his ties to a “mob of fringe players,” putting his already sweet son on the defensive. It also found Jubal confronting his ex-wife Samantha (Mara Davi) about Tyler now using Kelton, not Valentine, as his last name. Sisto’s face, when Sam talked about Tyler “feeling negative” about his dad, spoke volumes.

The discovery that the other person involved in the robbery, Zach, is a true friend of Tyler’s only added to the friction between father and son. Especially when Tyler hid the fact that Zach had just reached out to him, raving. “You have to get out of this,” Jubal yelled at his son. “That Zach O’Connor is a dangerous young man!” In response to this outburst, Tyler shared how Zach was there for him when so many other peers shunned “the weak kid, the cancer kid.” Here, Sisto shifted gears to register Jubal’s compassion for what Tyler has been through since his diagnosis. “You’ll get better and feel more confident,” he tried to assure the teen. “I promise you.”

When Tyler disappeared after answering another call from Zach, Sisto had to chase him down, as Jubal lashed out at Sam: “Are you careful?! Our child is a mess here! But Sam knows. Oh yes, she does. And Jubal knows she knows, leading to a relaxation between the exes.

Sisto’s outstanding performance was capped off by the Feds eventual confrontation with Zach, who in a panic held Tyler – there to talk to his friend – at gunpoint. Sisto made you feel/see the sweat on the worried dad’s brow like never before as he tried to appeal to Zach’s propensity to do good (like when he protected Tyler from bullies). Zach wasn’t quite on board, though, and when he appeared as if somebody was going to get shot, Jubal volunteered. “If you want to kill someone, kill me!” he shouted as he stepped forward. Tyler, however, deflected the barrel of the gun just as it went off.

Tyler tried to explain afterwards but Jubal didn’t have it. “Are you kidding me? Tyler, you saved my life in there,” he claimed. “If it wasn’t for your strength, your bravery, I would have died. So thanks.”

HONORABLE MENTION | Matt Murdock, oh how we’ve missed you. And we didn’t know how much, until you resurfaced this week on She-Hulk: Lawyer, with an evil twinkle in his eyes. Charlie Cox’s fearless man didn’t miss a step, as he entered (and began to rock) the world of fellow countryman Jen Walters. Cox frankly looked as sharp as ever, first when he exchanged courtroom taunts with opposing counsel, and later when he endlessly charmed her at the local bar. Then when She-Hulk unmasked the “new” costumed hero in town, only to realize it’s her newest crush? Cox returned effortlessly to the swagger of Daredevil, confident in his ability to take down the goons one by one, but not sure enough of himself not to appreciate the power She-Hulk brings to battle.

Chris Sumpter The Midnight Club NetflixHONORABLE MENTION | Chris Sumpter went on a rollercoaster of emotions in Episode 4 of The Midnight Club after the loss, another hospice resident (and his own declining health) struck fear into Spence’s heart. After Sandra attempted to glorify her religion, the actor’s voice boiled as he reminded her that her faith “cost me my community” and “ruined families”. The gay teenager’s body language stiffened as he shouted, “Your God said I’m an abomination!” But Sumpter didn’t just show anger. As his character neared death, the actor blended sadness, despair, and longing into his performance, which made our hearts ache for the poor kid. Sumpter’s depth and range were impressive, and his ability to penetrate deep into Spence’s psyche and face death head-on was hard to watch in the best possible way.

Hanako Greensmith Chicago FireHONORABLE MENTION | Our hearts were in our throats this week chicago fire when Violet watched in shocked silence as her boyfriend Hawkins was crushed to death by a collapsing burning building. Much of our reaction was due to Hanako Greensmith, who played Violet’s horror and sadness at the so unexpected loss of the man she loves to devastating effect. The actress took Violet on an unthinkable journey, from stunned disbelief to uncontrollable sobbing that was so powerful the paramedic had to be pulled away from Hawkins’ lifeless body. Under Chief Boden’s thrall, Violet struggled and begged for a chance to save Hawkins. It was too late for him, but we think this is just the start of a powerful turn from Greensmith.

Which performance(s) hit your socks this week? Tell us in the comments!

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