John Fetterman replaces Mehmet Oz in ‘The Simpsons’ quack Dr. Nick in strange new ad (VIDEO)

Pennsylvania may or may not beat U.S. Senate nominee (and current lieutenant governor) John Fetterman Oz on Election Day, but in the battle on social media, Fetterman’s campaign has been the clear winner. And that trend continued on Monday with a new campaign ad that makes a very convincing argument that Oz is effectively “The Simpsons”‘ unethical quack doctor Dr. Nick has an IRL version.

The argument included several instances in which Oz made strangely false claims about the products he offered, next to almost identical moments in “The Simpsons”. It didn’t even mention all the dogs and pigs in his experiments. killed, You can watch it above, but we’ll describe it for you as well.

“Before there was Dr. Oz, there was Dr. Nick,” Fetterman, or whoever runs his social media, said on Twitter Monday. “They say the Simpsons always predict the future — and once again, they cashed in.”

The clip begins with Dr. Nick’s signature “Hey everyone”, after which Oz says the same thing. Next, a scene of Nick selling an apparently nonsensical weight loss diet, followed by Oz literally selling diet pills of dubious effect — albeit with an even more brazenly dishonest pitch. (Nick, at least, actually refrains from claiming his diet will make you lose the wait without diet or exercise.)

Next, the scene where Homer Simpson advises Nick about gaining weight for the workplace benefits scandal, in which Nick’s advice is crafted into a faux-scientific drivel. “I recommend a slow, steady gorging process coupled with assault horizontology.” Oz has made similar statements several times since then to push his products, including an unproven weight-loss tincture that he pushed hard, and crystal sonic therapy, which doesn’t actually cure people of ailments while at rest. does.

Then this was the scene where Dr. Nick faced malpractice claims, followed by news clips about the time Oz was sued, and was accused of providing “quack remedies” by top American physicians at the time.

Things move on from here and like we said, you can watch it above.

Now, we’ve contacted Disney, which now owns “The Simpsons,” for comment and will update if we find any. But we probably don’t need to tell you that the company that aggressively banned even the most innocent infringement of its copyrights didn’t approve of this ad.

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