John Oliver Questions Tucker Carlson’s Comprehension Skills, Noting His ‘Resting Concussion Face’ (Video)

John Oliver remains unrelenting in his insults, especially to people like Tucker Carlson. On Sunday night, Oliver made fun of the Fox News host’s “resting face” and questioned his understanding skills.

The “Last Week Tonight” host’s words came during its main segment, in which Oliver focused on bail reform across the country. He criticized those using campaign ads to target it, particularly with the message that ending cash bail would “bring dangerous criminals back on the streets.” To support his point, Oliver called upon footage of an interview between Carlson and Detectives Endowment Association president Paul DiGiacomo.

In the clip, DiGiacomo says there is “a link between bail reform” and an increase in violent crime in New York City, to which Carlson responded “It seems so obvious that it is.”

“Fantastic. I’m honestly surprised that the person with the rested face feels anything but obvious,” joked Oliver. “He honestly looks like he’s studying a whole body mirror, trying his best to find his penis.”

But Oliver quickly turned to Carlson to book Texas Congressman Michael McCaul — and Fox News, at large, to appear before him — who claimed the bail reform was a direct cause of Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul’s attack. . McCall argued that by supporting bail reform, “you’re just asking this kind of incident to happen.”

And at the time, Oliver had to point out a few inaccuracies—including the fact that the suspect wasn’t actually out on bail. The “Last Week Tonight” host also noted that the man would not have been specifically released from prison on bail, because if he is in prison, he has already been convicted. And then, Oliver turned to McCall’s dress.

“Choosing a narrow tie knot when your head is so big, it looks like a birthday balloon sailing on the Capitol dome,” Oliver joked. “That’s three big mistakes from a very angry balloon.”

You can watch Oliver’s full segment on bail reform in the video above.

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