John Oliver returns to a topic he’s talked about earlier on Sunday night’s episode of “Last Week Tonight”: trans rights. The late-night host slammed the “heartbreakingly stupid” theories being used to attack trans kids across the country, including the idea that they were being trans people as part of a massive cheating scandal. are identified as.
In discussing the war on trans rights, Oliver specifically highlighted how many lawmakers are attempting to pass legislation to keep transgender children out of school sports, claiming that trans women have a biologically unfair advantage over cisgender women. And while Oliver himself dismissed that idea, he also used real-life testimony from Hulu’s “Changing the Game” to back up his point.
In it, a high school female athlete who was defeated by a transgender man because said opponent was forced to compete with women scoffed at the idea that trans athletes were trying to cheat. Huh. “Do you really, honestly think someone would change their entire gender so they could win the kingdom?” he wondered. “No! That’s not how it works.”
“Correct! It was clearly not an attempt to deceive,” agreed Oliver. “The kids aren’t plotting big, deceitful school sports-related cheating schemes, just to get what they want. You’re thinking of Lori Loughlin. Who are you thinking of here. You’re confused.” Huh.”
Oliver, of course, was referring to the fact that the “Full House” actress, along with several other famous names, was caught and accused her and her husband of paying $500,000 to bring their two daughters to university. was convicted of conspiracy after being charged with. Recruit Southern Californians as Fake Crew Team.
“The conversation around anti-trans laws largely involves heated rhetoric that doesn’t match the reality of the actual situations children face,” Oliver said.
The late-night host then debunked the “heartbreakingly stupid” conspiracy theory that anti-trans activists are pushing, saying that children in schools are identifying as cats and their Seeking to install litter boxes for use.
“When you think about it for literally two seconds, the whole thing falls apart,” joked Oliver. “For one, if the kids were using the litter box in the classroom, a state representative from Minnesota wouldn’t be going to break that news to you. You might have heard about it! If a child was using the litter box in their first period Shattered in if anyone in that state would only be talking about lunch!”
You can watch Oliver’s full segment on trans rights in the video above,