Kareena Kapoor Khan has teamed up with popular filmmaker Hansal Mehta, who is known for his hard-hitting cinema. We hear that the actress will also be seen in an intense avatar in the filmmaker’s next film. But it looks like the Kapoor girl will also shed her glamorous avatar for the movie. A photo of the actress’ shooting schedule in London made its way on social media, showing her in a no-makeup look. Fans were still excited to see their beloved ‘Bebo’ in her natural avatar.

Kareena Kapoor Khan snapped in her London deglam look and is winning hearts on social media

Many will know that Kareena Kapoor Khan kicked off her next film with Hansal Mehta in London. While the actress came to town for a Diwali break, she has resumed shooting in the English capital. Recently someone had a fan moment when they got caught with the K3G actress, and the photo seems to have made its way onto social media. The said photo showed Kareena devoid of her usual glamorous self as she was seen in a deglam and no makeup look. The actress will reportedly be seen in the role of a police officer in this murder mystery.

Meanwhile, Kareena Kapoor Khan, who was last seen in Laal Singh Chaddha, has spoken about her current projects, has completed her film with Sujoy Ghosh. The said film is an adaptation of the popular Japanese novel Dedication of suspect X and the actress is expected to be seen as a single mother. The said film also marks her debut in the OTT movie as it will be released on Netflix. But the release date is not yet final. In the untitled project, the actress will be seen alongside Jaideep Ahlawat and Vijay Varma.

Interestingly, Kareena will reunite with her too Veere De Wedding producer Rhea Kapoor for a film with three heroines, which will also star Tabu and Kriti Sanon.

Also read:: Ananya Panday becomes Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham’s Poo for a Halloween party; Kareena Kapoor Khan responds


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