Kimmel Says He’s ‘Just Glad Willie Nelson Is Alive’ To See Biden Change His Mind On Cannabis (VIDEO)

Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday’s episode of “Jimmy Kimmel Live” was delighted with the surprising news that President Joe Biden has initiated some (long-overdue) changes to America’s cannabis policies. And he made a really cool joke to mark the occasion, referring to one of America’s biggest cannabis advocates.

In case you missed it, earlier this Thursday, President Biden announced that he had pardoned All US citizens and legal residents who have a federal conviction for simple possession of marijuana. (That is, people who were not charged with intent to distribute.) It could potentially affect at least 6,000 people. He urged the state governors to do the same for those convicted at the state level.

But Biden announced something even more important: that he has instructed the Secretary of Health and Human Services, Javier Becerra, and Attorney General Merrick Garland to “start the process of reviewing how marijuana is prescribed under federal law.” in present, Cannabis is a Schedule I drug, which means the federal government considers it to be dangerously addictive and of no medical value. This places cannabis in the same category as heroin – but not fentanyl, which is Schedule II.

In other words, by official decree the US government considers cannabis to be more dangerous than fentanyl. Maybe we don’t need to explain how silly this is. Even Biden says “it makes no senseTo come to this, clearly, but a good start toward reversing decades of dire policy—and where are Americans on this issue. (They’re overwhelmingly in favor and it’s not even close: 91% support at least some kind of legalization,

“Hey, here’s some good news,” said Kimmel, raising the topic in his monologue. “Grampotus jo-tus made a big announcement today. Biden delivered on a campaign promise and pardoned all prior federal offenses for marijuana possession.”

“Yeah, this is a huge deal and will affect more than six thousand Americans. Their criminal records will be cleared,” Kimmel continued. “He encouraged governors to do the same at the state level, he said. promised that his administration would review whether marijuana should still be classified as a Schedule 1 drug. and gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a bag of Funyun. So, progress. ,

Kimmel noted that Biden hasn’t fully come out in support of full legalization, “which is probably going to have to wait until we have President Woodrow Harrelson or something.” But, he added, “it’s the most cannabis-friendly decision ever made by a president.”

“And I, for one, am just glad Willie Nelson is alive to see this happen,” Kimmel joked.

Sadly, Willie hasn’t lost the weight yet. But we laughed.

Kimmel also made some jokes about Donald Trump, and he talked about the latest development in the latest Herschel Walker scandal.

You may remember that Walker, the Georgia US Senate candidate who supports complete ban on abortion, turns out he once paid for one of his many secret sweethearts. He denied that this happened despite clear evidence provided by the woman, and claimed that nothing was known about the woman. But then it turned out that the woman yet another secret is the mother of the children Walker is about not lying.

Of this, Kimmel joked, “So now there are Republicans… Calls to quit so that he can run for president in two years?

You can now watch the entire monologue at the top of the page.

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